Assignment: Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics. Details: As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals. RUBICS: Clearly States How the Practice of Nursing and Patient Delivery Will Evolve, While Addressing Relevant Concepts That Include Continuity or Continuum of Care, Accountable Care Organizations, Medical Homes, and Nurse-Managed Health Clinics. Main concept is easily identified, and subconcepts branch appropriately from the main idea. Addresses all of the issues related to the evolving practice of nursing and patient care delivery. Use of Vocabulary Regarding Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Content shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research. Research Citations (in-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes) Please provide website info.