Thе word lіmit is 1,000 NOT 1,100. It wouldn’t let me сhange it. Please use all the references I have mentioned anу issues рlease message me straight away. Use the documents I have uрloaded, I have also attached a document which shows how to do the essay be critical of the readings be thorough. No spelling mistakes or errors reread the work before you send it to me. Use everything below to get the best marks! Focus on what the essay question is asking, show knowledge in the specific area asked to discuss. Always reference material from other’s writing, even if it means you use the same reference a few times within a paragraph. * show evidence of wide and often critical reading. * Illustrates points with wellchosen examples drawn from reading and/or experience. *Shows outstanding ability to paraphrase and summarise reading. * There is very clear and coherent overall structure, which is indicated to the reader by devices such as good paragraphing and discourse markers. * Arguments are developed logically and systematically. * There is some complexity of organisation. * The assignment covers the ground excellently within the word limit. * There is a very skilled use of academic conventions and language, and minimal or no linguistic or typographic errors. * Keeps a clear focus on the question throughout. * Understands not only basic concepts/areas which need to be addressed in answering question, but also other major areas involved in the topic. Will probably consider wider implications and different viewpoints. * Is always relevant. * May deal with the assignment in somewhat individual way. * Shows a deep understanding of basic/key concepts in the field. * Explains, defines, describes, compares and contrasts concepts carefully and systematically. Shows ability to criticise and evaluate information and ideas where appropriate. *Is capable of developing a sustained argument.