The following video link provides a lecture on utilitarian theory, utilizing the teaching of Dr. Michael Sandel. You are requested to view the first fifteen (15) minutes in which Dr. Sandel prompts the question about whether utilitarian theory can justify human death. By means of illustrations, he applies utilitarian theory to human deaths caused by a recognizably unsafe but popular automobile, smoking, and cell phone usage. You are to listen to the first fifteen minutes of the video, select one of the three illustrations, (unsafe automobile, smoking, or cell phone usage), and rationally defend your belief that, according to utilitarian theory, the deaths were either justified or unjustified. Make sure the main part of your post uses the principles of utilitarianism so I can tell that you understand this theory. In addition, you can also post your personal view on this topic. http://justiceharvard.org/lecture-3-putting-a-price-tag-on-life/