Using Data to Identify Problems and Service Needs
Identify the problem of concern and corresponding unmet service needs for the client population of interest (3 pages). Draw from administrative data within the agency, public data sources, empirical research, theory, authoritative media (e.g., The New York Times) and/or qualitative sources of information (e.g., case studies, expert informants, etc.) to inform the development of this section of the paper. *Please note: The client problem should be one that fits with the mission and basic capacity of the agency to address. I. What is the client subgroup of interest (e.g., pregnant teens)? II. What is the problem in functioning that the clients are experiencing (e.g., dropout)? A. Why should the agency be especially concerned about this problem? What are the size, scope, and severity of the problem? B. How does this problem impact not only the clients, but their families and the wider community? C. What are major underlying reasons for the problem? What bio-psycho-social risk and protective factors are associated with the problem? What developmental factors and/or theories of human behavior help to explain the problem? III. What are the clients’ unmet service needs with regard to the problem? A. What services, if any, are currently available in the agency to help clients with the problem? B. What service gaps exist? That is, what service(s) do clients still need from the agency to better enable them to resolve the problem? *Please note: You do not have to identify a specific treatment model at this time; identifying a general class of service(s), e.g., individual counseling, group therapy, mentoring, etc., is sufficient.