Research aim and scope The area of management has experienced widely encompassing changes over the past several decades which has resulted in new ideologies being utilised in the field. Mone and London (2018) note that it become increasingly evident the importance of employee engagement on the general productivity towards the organisation. Employee engagement involves the creation of a work environment that enables employees to give their best effort to their work, to commit to the organisation and to be independently motivated to contribute positively towards the success of the organisation (Bailey et al., 2017). According to Mone and London (2018), research has been dedicated towards determining the factors contributing to employee engagement resulting in the identification of factors such as communication, opportunities for career development, rewards structures and employee recognition. Contemporary management has increased Focus on factors alluding to employee engagement such as reducing turnover, absenteeism and increasing levels of education. Albrecht et al. (2015) also notes that the service industry mainly the hotel industry rates poorly in all of these factors revealing low levels of employee engagement. Within this context, this research would seek to determine what influence contemporary management styles have on employee engagement. This research seeks to determine how the employment of contemporary management influences employee engagement in the service industries and specifically in the hotel industry. This is to be established by engaging current members of the industry and evaluating their experiences to provide a picture of a current success of contemporary management practices in the industry.