The effects of climate change and/or pollution on intra- and/or inter-specific chemical communication in aquatic organisms
The writer has a choice with respect to how they approach the assignment. For example, they could write a paper using a series of articles that deal with the effects of pollution on the chemical ecology of a single (aquatic) species or a number of species.
The focus should be on chemical ecology and how pollution (or climate change) effects chemical communication in aquatic organisms.
The client would prefer that you focus on the effects of pollution on intra-specific chemical communication, you may also introduce inter-specific interactions or climate change.
Please focus on the main and most important concepts given how short the word count available is.
Olsén K.H. (2010) Effects of Pollutants on Olfactory Mediated Behaviors in Fish and Crustaceans. In: Breithaupt T., Thiel M. (eds) Chemical Communication in Crustaceans. Springer, New York, NY
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