The paper should examine the economic development of Indonesia and use the topics(eg. lewis two sector model, the Harrod-Domar model, solow model) I provide in the attachments. After examining Indonesia and determining its current development, you should discuss how to increase development in the country. Explain where resources should be provided and the expected development gain. All the points should be supported by statistics and your analysis of them. This paper is analyzing and examinating the statistics of Indonesia’s econ development with the methods and concept in my list (in the attachment) and come up your own opinion/conclusion. Do not just display the general facts or statistics without deep explaination or do not write it with quotes from other people’s papers.
the paper should include
1. Choose an important aspect, which related to the development of Indonesia’s economics, to discuss and use statistics to explain. Explain why is this issue important and related. Should include the values measured, and the meaning of the statistics. need to analyze the statistics with at least one of the models I mentioned
2. What Indonesia can do to improve the current issue in the aspect you focus on, and what is the expected result base on your research and appropriate examination? need to present the whole process of calculation and what method you have used to get the exact expected outcomes. for example, if improve education by XX%, base on the models, how many % can it helps to decrease the unemployment rate. Also, we need to explain where we can get the resource and how to execute your suggestions.