Technological tools to measure customer satisfaction
The article should make an analysis of the different technological tools that exist to measure customer satisfaction. Talk about the performance of these tools in companies, all this as the importance of controlling customer satisfaction begins to take a leading role within companies. Companies such as Amazon or Alibaba, business models revolve around their customers, have applied new standards for the rest of the logistics managers based on the goals and objectives they must meet to meet the expectations of their customers. Also talk about technological tools in public administration. The structure of the article will be as follows: 1. Summary You should briefly explain what the article is about. 2. Introduction: take into account the background of the research and the justification of what is desirable to do, in the most concise way possible, indicating the objectives of the research and what is presented in the article. 3. Methodology: hierarchize and group. It must capture the procedure that is performed during the analysis of the review. 4. Development and Discussion: analysis of the bibliography, according to the organization structured above. Verification of the results of the authors and the critical argumentation of each aspect addressed in the article. This documentary installation should serve as a synthesis, coherent, clear and perfectly argued. 5. Conclusions: the work will end by indicating the conclusions about the authors of the manuscript, as well as the possible implications and the recommendations that will be derived. 6. Bibliographic references