Task description You will follow up the findings of your sustainable reports (Assessment 1) and follow the instructions below to: 1) investigate an existing plan for the topic that you have studied; and 2) write a research paper that evaluates the plan. This includes analyzing how well that plan was supported sustainable development of the study topic and how the sustainability challenges identified in your sustainable reports were dealt with. The paper should be no less than 3,000-words. We evaluate things everyday and we are being evaluated all the time. So, what is evaluation then? Evaluation is a term that is used to represent judgments of many kinds. What all evaluations have in common is the notion of judging merit. Someone is examining and weighing something against an explicit or implicit yardstick. The yardsticks can vary widely, and include criteria such as aesthetics, effectiveness, usefulness, economics, and justice or equity issues. In this case, you are going to evaluate an existing plan for a region or regional city (or a community or an organization) and your yardsticks are sustainability. In other words, your evaluation is to assess that plan against a set of measures, issues or expectations as a means of contribution to improve the plan. Has the plan covered the right and crucial dimensions for sustainability of the study topic? Has the plan addressed to the sustainability challenges that you identified in the first assessment? And has the plan included the right initiatives and activities to deal with the challenges and bring about the sustainable outcomes? Your evaluation need to ask realistic questions and to gather information that is meaningful and relevant to the sustainability of your study topics. The organization of your paper should be: • title page ü title of the paper ü your name and student number ü unit and coordinator ü word count • Introduction ü Explain what is the report all about? ü How the issues are dealt with (sequence of subtopics)? ü Why your study is important/relevant? • Main body of the paper ü a brief review of local context study in Assignment 1 ü a brief introduction of the plan and a review of sustainability ü analysis and evaluation of plan • Conclusion ü Restating topic and highlighting main findings • Reference ü Harvard Referencing Style and do NOT numbered the references • Appendices, if any Please find more information about what each section should cover and how to prepare the paper in ‘Guide to Assessment Writing for GEOG13013’ Evaluation criteria Your paper will be assessed on basis of overall quality of research and evaluations and the effectiveness of the written communication. These include completeness and accuracy with which the required tasks as stated have been completed and • Organisation and presentation of the paper • Research & evaluation of the plan • Quality of communication, including the structure, style, format, citation and bibliography, English expression, and general appearance of your paper, including well-designed systems model/s and other graphics