Students – please ensure you read the assessment instructions available in your student portal prior to undertaking the assessment tasks.
Assessment Task 1 – Knowledge Questions
Assessment type:
• Written Questions
Assessment task description:
• This is the first of the assessment tasks that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• The Knowledge Test is comprised of 19 written questions.
• Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
• Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify student when results are available.
Applicable conditions:
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as an open book assessment (this means students can refer to textbooks or the internet to conduct research during the assessment). However, the answers must be in the student’s own words to demonstrate their own understanding of each individual question.
• Student must read and respond to all questions.
• Student must type the answer to the questions and must complete their work independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge in HR and staff recruitment and selection:
• identify documentation required for recruitment, selection and induction
• explain human resources life cycle and the place of recruitment and selection
• identify legislation relevant to recruitment, selection and induction of staff
• describe channels and technology to advertise vacancies
Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development human resource development field of work and include access to:
workplace policies and procedures
business technology
position descriptions
legislation, regulations, Codes and Standards relevant to staff recruitment, selection and induction
interaction with others.
Benchmark for Assessment
You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question. In some cases, direction is provided on the expected length of your response. Some questions will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.
Short 30+ words
Medium 100+ words
Long 200+ words
1.1 Explain why it is important to obtain management approval before employing a new staff member into an organisation? (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.2 Each organisation has a recruitment life cycle. Explain why:
a) an organisation might need to employ an additional employee and
b) how does an organisation ensure to have place of recruitment and selection? (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.3 Explain how a recruitment process may impact on workplace operations? (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.4 List 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of internal and external recruitment in the table below. (Guide: LONG)
Type of recruitment Positive aspect of the recruitment Negative aspects of the recruitment
Internal recruitment • •
External recruitment • •
1.5 What types of advertising strategies could you use to advertise a new job in an organisation? In your answer provide minimum of 2 different advertising strategies and explain why these strategies would be suitable. (Guide: LONG 200 words)
Advertising strategy 1 •
Advertising strategy 2 •
1.6 Research and list 6 legislations and guidelines which apply to recruitment, selection and induction of staff, analyse these legislations and guidelines and explain why they would be relevant. (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.7 If you as a manager were to recruit an employee, explain who would you consult with regarding job descriptions and workforce requirements before proceeding with the recruitment process. Explain why? (Guide: MEDIUM)
People to consult with Why?
Managers for the section who requires the employee •
Supervisors and team leaders •
Other staff members who work in the area and do the duties •
1.8 Explain why it is important to analyse a job description and tasks performed in the job before marketing for new staff members? (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.9 Explain the types of policies, procedures that an organisation should have in place when advertising for vacancies. (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.10 What are the key points you would include in an advertisement when advertising a new job role for an organisation? (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.11 Explain why you would need an interview panel when appointing a new employee and who could you ask to be part of a panel. (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.12 List three (3) types of selection tests that may be used in a recruitment process. (Guide: SHORT)
1.13 List the type of questions that cannot be asked at a recruitment application process so that the organisation does not breech legislative requirements. (Guide: MEDIUM)
1.14 When evaluating applications to assist with short-listing your applicants list the types of documents or information you may use to assist you with this process and explain why. (Guide: MEDIUM)
Document Why?
Resume or CV
Completed application or criteria
Qualifications presented
1.15 Complete the table below and explain if the following types of questions you can prepare when designing an interview document suitable to be used in an interview process. (Guide: MEDIUM)
Document Yes / No / only if suitable Why?
1.16 List at least two (2) strategies of how you are going to approach applicants who were unsuccessful in an application process to advise them of the outcome. Explain why you would select the strategy. (Guide: MEDIUM)
Strategy Why?
1.17 List the types of documentation that you will be required to prepare when finalising the recruitment process. List the type of documents you would prepare for successful applicants and unsuccessful applicants. (Guide: MEDIUM – 5 points for each)
Applicant types Documents prepared
Successful applicant
Unsuccessful applicants
1.18 Explain who you would need to advise after you have selected a new employee. (Guide: SHORT to MEDIUM minimum of 3 points)
1.19 Research the human resources life cycle on the Internet and explain your own understanding of the human resources life cycle and how does recruitment and selection fit into the human resources life cycle? (Guide: SHORT)
Assessment type:
• Practical activities and questions and answers
Assessment task description:
• This is the first of the assessment tasks that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• The Knowledge Test is comprised 4 activities
• Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
• Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify student when results are available.
Applicable conditions:
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as an open book assessment (this means students can refer to textbooks or the internet to conduct research during the assessment). However, the answers must be in the student’s own words to demonstrate their own understanding of each individual question.
• Student must read and respond to all questions.
• Student must type the answer to the questions and must complete their work independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills in planning for recruitment
• Fill position, clarify time lines and requirement for appointment
• Assist in preparing job descriptions that accurately reflect the role requirements, according to organisational policies and procedures, legislation, codes, national standards and work health and safety (WHS) considerations
• Assist in ensuring that job descriptions comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisation’s requirements for a diverse workforce
Resources and equipment required to complete this task
• Access to classroom, internet, computers, relevant software such as Microsoft Word
• Students eLearning Platform
• Participant workbook from IBSA (Australian Training Products)
• Bounce Fitness virtual company and job descriptions, policies and procedures
• Learning Activities from ISBA Learning platform
• Additional learner guide from RTO Materials
• PowerPoint
Benchmark for Assessment
You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question. In some cases, direction is provided on the expected length of your response. Some questions will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.
Short 30+ words
Medium 100+ words
Long 200+ words
3.1. In this activity you are to review the Bounce Fitness cases study (refer to Task 2) and develop and write a letter to your manager to gain approval to appoint a receptionist and to seek permission to advertise the position. Your letter must be typed up. In your letter you must ensure that you:
Obtain approval to advertise the position by sending an email to your manager using the SBTA email who will send you back and confirmation which you must upload or copy and paste in the space below.
In the email you must clarify timelines and requirement for the appointment and recruitment process.
Gain approval of appropriate channels and technology to advertise vacancies and/or identify potential candidates, which are either internal or external candidates.
Advise your manager in the email who you will be consulting with (e.g. HR manager, head receptionist, etc…) to convene selection panel and develop interview questions.
(your assessor will act as your manager – you must use your and your assessor’ SBTA email address to communicate with the manager / assessor) (Medium)
Your letter must be well presented and address all relevant requirements of each of the points listed above.
(Guide: Medium)
3.2. You are now required to research three advertising channels to advertise the job vacancy. Find out the advantages and disadvantages from each channel and the cost for advertising from these channels and choose a channel which you think is the appropriate. Now write a letter to your manager to advise which channel you would choose and why and seek approval to place the advertisement. obtain approval to advertise the position
a) Clarify timelines and requirement for the appointment and recruitment process
b) Gain approval of appropriate channels and technology to advertise vacancies and/or identify potential candidates, which are either internal or external candidates.
c) Advise who you would consult with to convene selection panel and develop interview questions.
Your letter must be well presented and address all relevant requirements of each of the points listed above. (qGuide: Medium)
3.3. Develop an advertisement for the job Receptionist vacancy. Your work must be typed up. your advertisement must be approximately half page to 1 page. In your advertisement, you will be required to address the following:
o Brief description of the organisation
o Title of the position
o Description of the position
o Salary (or estimates)
o Education (if required) or skill set needed
o Working conditions
o How to apply information and whom to contact?
o References and document required to submit
o Closing date and timeframe
o Region
• (Guide: Medium)
3.4. Interview questions – Role-play (10 – 15 minutes)
In this activity you must demonstrate your ability to communicate and liaise with relevant personnel to develop interview questions. You will be observed by your assessor during this activity who will provide you with feedback on your ability to communicate and collaborate with others. Your interview panel will consist of Human Resource Manager of Bounce Fitness, a Senior Fitness Instructor and yourself as the Centre Manager.
a) Before you meet with the HR Manager and Senior Fitness Instructor, you must come up with a list of interview questions and skills list to assess the skills of the applicant.
You must also include suggested answers which will make it easier for you to grade the answers. The skills test selected must be appropriate to the position description. This could include computer skills testing, phone answering, ability to respond to questions, or other as you might feel appropriate. Whatever the choice, it must relate to skills determined as per the job description. The instructions must be clear, easily understood, and applied and indicate who will ask which questions and space for note taking.
This is to ensure that each and every student comes up with their own ideas first before discussing with the rest of the colleagues. Document your interview questions in the space below. Consult with the assessor and discuss the interview questions with the assessor to seek your assessor’s feedback. Your assessor will then allocate your colleagues to act as the HR Manager and Senior Fitness Instructor for you to discuss your interview questions.
(Guide: LONG)
Questions Benchmark answers Interviewer’s comments
What is your greatest strength When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
Candidate demonstrated strength in this area
Why did you want this job? This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference. Candidate has researched the company and would like to make a difference
Tell me about yourself? Applicant should set themselves apart from other candidates and discuss what sets them apart from their competitors. Candidate did not explain about themselves very clearly
General comments: Not very strong communication skills
Did not make eye contact
Questions Benchmark answers Interviewer’s comments
b) Now meet with the HR Manager and Senior Fitness Instructor and review the interview questions for the positon of Receptionist at Bounce Fitness together with a skills test and ensure that it complies with legislative requirements. Discuss 8 to 10 questions which would be relevant to the position description. You will also need to discuss benchmark answers you would expect from the interviewee.
Explain how the interview questions comply with legislative requirements in the space below and attach a copy of all documentation as evidence, which includes interview questions, benchmark answers and any notes from your meeting. (Medium)
3.5. You have received applications from many candidates. Some of these are attached below.
a) Select and short list three candidates from the list below.
b) Explain why you chose each of the candidates.
Candidate 1: Name: Sally Preston
I am currently working as a receptionist for a large food company. My hours are very long and I am looking at joining a company where I can work only 9.00 am to 3.00 pm as I have small children and I wish to pick them up from school.
Experience: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Databases, Switchboard
I have great customer service and can work well in a team environment. My salary expectation is between $50,000 to $55,000.
Career Summary
Receptionist – 2018 – current
Administration assistant – 2017 – 2018
Receptionist – 2016 – 2017
Candidate 2: May Smith
I am a well-presented, highly personable and efficient person with an ability to work independently or in a team, taking directions as required. I am currently undertaking study to complete my Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. I have proficiency with computers and Microsoft Office programs. With strong planning and problem solving skill and also readily adapts to change. Focused and strong customer orientation with the values caring for others, with person centred care.
communication – written and oral
• Shown through completion of Tertiary qualifications and paid employment working, requiring communicating with a diverse range of people, but also writing new work processes and documents in my recent position.
Hospitality Industry Experience
• Demonstrated by working 21 years in the hospitality sector as a chef/cook and team leader in the Food Services Industry. With Commercial Cookery III Certificate and Food Safety Supervisors Certificate.
• Worked collaboratively with teams in both large and small organizations’, conducting regular team meetings team for up to 10 people, contributing to productive meetings by providing full and timely briefing and documentation.
Flexibility and adaptability
• Worked in diverse industries, learning quickly on the job and adapting well to every circumstance.
Broad computer knowledge
• Advanced MS Office skills, including PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Outlook, plus knowledge of Visio and EventsPro.
Customer service expertise
• Proficiency in customer service acquired through customer service orientated positions with emphasis on excellence in customer satisfaction whilst serving with compassion and integrity.
Career Summary
Office Manager – 2016 – Current
Office administration Officer – 2015 – 2016
Salary expectation: $55,000 – $60,000
Candidate 3: Bill Preston
An experienced education marketing professional who has sharpened skills in research, marketing, presentation, sales, professional English communication, building interpersonal relationships, and multimedia use is looking for a challenging role in Sydney
Career history: Casual teaching position – current
Casual marketing role – previously
Salary expectation: $70,000+
Candidate 4: Rose Willis
To obtain a position with an innovative organization that will profit from my fresh, customer service approach to customers that successfully reinforces brand persona, engages current customers and captures new customers.
Experience: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Databases, Switchboard
I have very good customer service experience and work well in a team environment. My hours are flexible and I can work back if required. I am looking for a long term job role where I can have an opportunity to progress as well.
Career history: 2016 – 2018 – Office manager/reception duties
2013 -2016 – Receptionist/administrative assistant
Salary expectation: $55,000 – $60,000
Candidate 5: Anthony Smith
Hard working, goal orientated and driven individual. I have several years experience in the customer service and hospitality industries. I strive to build strong personable relationships with my co-workers. I manage my time and organisation extremely well and enjoy working as part of a team or independently, as I act off my own initiative.
November 2018 – Present -Waiter / Kitchen Hand
● I split my shifts at the hotel between helping the wait staff and the kitchen staff.
● My duties include serving customers food and drinks, stock taking, cleaning duties, ensuring all food and drink is served with the highest customer service skills.
● I enjoy the culture at the hotel, as all staff work efficiently and excellently as a team.
June 2018 – November 2018 (Sydney)
Receptionist February 2017 – August 2017 (Melbourne)
● Presented myself in a professional manner at all times to all staff and customers. Managed all administration duties to help organise different departments in the hostel.
● Pleasant and efficient first point of contact for all visitors, to maximise client satisfaction.
● Continuously maintained a clean and tidy working space throughout the entire reception area.
● Managed stationary orders on a weekly basis for the entire hostel.
● Maintained a close and friendly relationship with the Manager.
● Ensured all tasks were completed within the set timeframe.
● Data entry for all guests who stayed at the hostel, so we could contact those in the future. Also maintained all online reservations for the hostel.
● Cleaning duties throughout the hostel when needed.
● Consistently sorted through highly sensitive mail daily.
Candidate 6: Joanne Kim
• Solid experience in working independently and between cross-functional teams
• International working experience, and bilingual in Korean and English
• Solid experience in handling external agencies, clients day to day requests
2016 – 2019 – Retail sales assistant
• Inventory management and stock control
• Customer service / brand ambassador
• Point of sale operations
• Product display merchandising
2014 – 2016 Senior Account Executive / Account Service Team: In charge of the Samsung Fashion client account and act as a contact point for client requests.
• Planned, led and tracked a digital campaign for the premium fashion sports brand “Rapido” for the Iqiyi platform.
• Led digital content production of the clothing brand “MVIO” for the Iqiyi platform
• Implemented the integrated advertising campaign for MVIO, including online channels (Wechat, Iqiyi, Weibo) and offline channels (consumer promotion event).
• Acted as a liaison between the client brand and a Korean celebrity agency for the implementation of marketing activities.
Assessor’s checklist (Did the student demonstrate the following) Satisfactory
Utilised effective communication skills to communicate with all key stakeholders such as using active listening skills, gave and received feedback and asked questions
Understood sample answers expected from the interviewee
Was able to use appropriate grading or testing system
Understood job description and company requirements to fulfil the role
Ability to conduct research on relevant legislative requirements which maps to the job description
Knowledge of relevant legislative requirements applicable to employees roles and responsibilities
Knowledge of relevant workplace policies, procedures and workforce strategy relevant to employees roles and responsibilities
Assessor’s feedback to the student:
Task satisfactory Yes No
Assessment type:
• Practical activities and role-play
Assessment task description:
• This is the first of the assessment tasks that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• The Knowledge Test is comprised 4 activities
• Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
• Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify student when results are available.
Applicable conditions:
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as an open book assessment (this means students can refer to textbooks or the internet to conduct research during the assessment). However, the answers must be in the student’s own words to demonstrate their own understanding of each individual question.
• Student must read and respond to all questions.
• Student must type the answer to the questions and must complete their work independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills in planning for recruitment
• Fill position, clarify time lines and requirement for appointment
• Assist in preparing job descriptions that accurately reflect the role requirements, according to organisational policies and procedures, legislation, codes, national standards and work health and safety (WHS) considerations
• Assist in ensuring that job descriptions comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisation’s requirements for a diverse workforce
Resources and equipment required to complete this task
• Access to classroom, internet, computers, relevant software such as Microsoft Word
• Students eLearning Platform
• Participant workbook from IBSA (Australian Training Products)
• Bounce Fitness virtual company and job descriptions, policies and procedures
• Learning Activities from ISBA Learning platform
• Additional learner guide from RTO Materials
• PowerPoint
Benchmark for Assessment
You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question. In some cases, direction is provided on the expected length of your response. Some questions will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.
Short 30+ words
Medium 100+ words
Long 200+ words
You can research using your guides and provide answers in the space provided. Your answers must be as per the guide provided. Please ensure that the answers are in your own words. Your assessor will assess your answers and provide you with feedback. Your submission will be checked by plagiarism software.
4.1. Prepare for interview process
You are required to complete this activity on your own. In this task you will be required prepare for the interview process to recruit a new employee for the position of receptionist.
Follow the instructions below to complete this task:
a) Select and schedule times and dates for the interviews and draft a letter or formal email to the applicants (minimum of 3) to advise them of the time, date and venue of the interview. You need to include in your letter or email if the applicants are required to bring any documents with them to the interview. (Medium)
b) Draft an email to the interview panel (your colleagues) advising them of the date and time of the interview. You need to ensure that you include a copy of the interview questions and expected responses to the interview panel members. (Medium)
Attach copies of the letters and/or emails to the applicants and to the interview panel as evidence.
4.2. Role Play: Interview (10 to 15 minutes)
In this task, you are required to conduct the interview of three different applicants, including the Assessor. At all times the room setting, body language, and questioning must be utterly legal and appropriate. Ensure that all applicants are treated equally and the same questions are asked of each. Minor changes to gain further necessary clarification or to gain understanding may be asked, but all applicants should be treated equally and all allowed equal opportunity to ‘sell’ themselves.
Results of the work test for all applicants must be included and you must also ensure sufficient time has been allowed between interviews to allow time to write notes during each interview process.
Meet with your interview panel and discuss and confirm the interview questions and benchmark answers and you are now required to:
a) Role-play the interview with three of your colleagues; and
b) Short-list two (2) applicants from the three applicants,
c) Discuss each panel member’s short-listed applicants and come up with a conclusion on the right applicant. Document the meeting and how you selected the right applicant.
Document applicant’s responses to each question and include your comments on each applicant. (Short)
4.3. Reference check
In this task you will be required to conduct two (2) referee checks once you have come up with the right candidate to ensure that the candidate you have selected is the right candidate for the job. You are now required to conduct a reference check.
a) Prepare a list of questions you would ask the two referees. Send an email to the two referees using SBTA email address (your colleagues from your class appointed by your assessor) asking them to complete a quick reference check on the applicant.
b) In your email, you must explain why you are doing a reference check and include the questions you prepared in the email. Attach copies of the emails as evidence or copy and paste it in the space below. (Medium)
c) Document the response from the referees and insert their responses in the space below. (Medium)
4.4. Write a selection report to your General Manager and the selection panel advising of the interview panel’s decision and explain why the panel has made the recommendation for the candidate selected. You must ensure you include referee’s feedback in your report as well. You must also include in your report what feedback you will give to unsuccessful candidates. (Guide: 1 page).
Assessor’s checklist (Did the student demonstrate the following) Satisfactory
Utilised effective communication skills to ask appropriate questions
Used effective listening skills to carefully gather relevant information and record information
Used language suitable to the interview and presented ideas in a positive way
Applied workplace protocol when communicating with the candidates
Understood relevant legislative requirements when conducting interview
Evaluated all the information properly before making a judgement
Used appropriate protocols when communicating with stakeholders
Made the candidates feel at ease during the interview by demonstrating positive body language
Asked clear questions and was able to engage the interviewee
Come up with valid questions to ask the referee when conducting referee checks and was able to document feedback received
Assessor’s feedback to the student:
Task satisfactory Yes No
Assessment task 5: Advising applicants of outcomes
Assessment type:
• Practical activities and written activities
Assessment task description:
• This is the first of the assessment tasks that the student must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• The Knowledge Test is comprised 9 activities
• Student must respond to all the questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
• Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify student when results are available.
Applicable conditions:
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as an open book assessment (this means students can refer to textbooks or the internet to conduct research during the assessment). However, the answers must be in the student’s own words to demonstrate their own understanding of each individual question.
• Student must read and respond to all questions.
• Student must type the answer to the questions and must complete their work independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
Resubmissions and reattempts:
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
• Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in completing this task and requires reasonable adjustments.
Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills in planning for recruitment
• Fill position, clarify time lines and requirement for appointment
• Assist in preparing job descriptions that accurately reflect the role requirements, according to organisational policies and procedures, legislation, codes, national standards and work health and safety (WHS) considerations
• Assist in ensuring that job descriptions comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisation’s requirements for a diverse workforce
Resources and equipment required to complete this task
• Access to classroom, internet, computers, relevant software such as Microsoft Word
• Students eLearning Platform
• Participant workbook from IBSA (Australian Training Products)
• Bounce Fitness virtual company and job descriptions, policies and procedures
• Learning Activities from ISBA Learning platform
• Additional learner guide from RTO Materials
• PowerPoint
Benchmark for Assessment
You are expected to respond to all aspects of each question. In some cases, direction is provided on the expected length of your response. Some questions will require a Short, Medium or Long response.
The following is a guide to the expected number of words for each of these categories unless otherwise indicated.
Short 30+ words
Medium 100+ words
Long 200+ words
5.1. Write a formal letter to each unsuccessful applicant and advise them of the outcome of the interview process and the decision of the interview panel. Explain why? (Medium)
5.2. Write a formal confidential letter to the successful candidate advising the candidate of the outcome of the recruitment process and seek confirmation from the candidate of the job acceptance. You must include in your letter the start date and the induction process as per your organisational policy and procedures, observing confidentiality and privacy requirements. (Medium)
5.3. You must now develop and include with the letter of offer an “Employment Contract”. Refer to the sample attached as Appendix 3 for suggestions on what to include in an employment contract. Attach copies of any policies and procedures from “Bounce Fitness” with the employment contract. You must also refer to website when preparing the employment contract. Print and attach any pages you referred to as evidence when researching the Fair work website. (Long)
5.4. Write an email to the manager and all employees advising them of the new appointment and start date of the new employee. (Short)
5.5. Send an email to the Accounts Manager advising the Accounts Manager of the new appointment and pay details. You need to also advise the Accounts Manager to prepare a file on the new employee for record keeping. (Short)
Attach copies of all documentation as evidence.
5.6. The successful candidate has responded and has accepted the position and the start date. You are now required to organise the successful candidate’s induction according to Bounce Fitness’s policy. Refer to the “Staff Induction Policy” from Bounce Fitness website and
a) Explain what is the induction process for Bounce Fitness and list all the documents you would have to include or refer to in the induction process. (Medium)
b) Explain what process you would follow in order to induct a new employee (Small)
c) Organise a staff member to be involved in the induction process who can welcome the new employee and show the employee around before meeting with the Human Resources team for the induction process. Write an email to the staff informing them of their involvement. Insert copy of email in the space below. (Medium)
d) Inform all the stakeholders of the induction process and what this will include, time and date of the induction in a short email to everyone. (Short)
Print all the documentation on the website of Bounce Fitness which you will need to refer to in order to conduct induction and attach as evidence or insert it in the space below.
Students are to print this checklist, supply to the assessor to be completed and upload the checklist together with the assessment to the student portal. Without this being completed the assessor will complete the marking of this assessment.
Assessors will check that you were able to demonstrate to ability to: Satisfactory
Research the virtual company “bounce fitness” and evaluated all the policies and procedures relating to hiring new employee • Yes • No
Prepare effective job descriptions to support the position of receptionist • Yes • No
Consulted with management to see approval to advertise the position • Yes • No
Developed selection criteria and interview questions in consultation with other staff • Yes • No
Scheduled dates, time and venue and participated in the interview process • Yes • No
Was able to obtain referee report about the candidate and prepared a report based on the reports • Yes • No
Send effective written communication to advise unsuccessful candidates using effective language • Yes • No
Construct effective employment contract with all the required details and was able to secure preferred candidates agreement • Yes • No
Was able to identify which documentation was required for recruitment, selection and induction • Yes • No
Understood human resource life cycle and why it is important to identify the place of recruitment and selection • Yes • No
Identify legislations relevant to recruitment, selection and induction of staff • Yes • No
Explain a range of interviewing techniques and other selection processes • Yes • No
Evaluate information to make a judgment about the suitable candidate • Yes • No
Used effective commutation techniques such as asking questions, giving and receiving feedback, listening skills to gather information • Yes • No
Interacted with other work colleagues to negotiate appropriate questions for the interview • Yes • No
Used appropriate technology to use and store information digitally and retrieve information • Yes • No
Planned and took responsibility for recruiting of receptionist. • Yes • No
Assessment Task 1 – completed and satisfactory Yes No
Assessment Task 2 – completed and satisfactory Yes No
Assessment Task 3 – completed and satisfactory Yes No
Assessment Task 4 – completed and satisfactory Yes No
Assessment Task 5 – completed and satisfactory Yes No
Assessor Feedback:
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 3
Assessment Task 4
Assessment Task 5
Assessor signature: Date:
Appendix 1
Job Description Fitness Instructor
Customer service is to be recognised as the number one priority for all Bounce Fitness staff. Every effort must be made to meet the needs of all customers by creating an atmosphere of hospitality and friendly cooperation in our relationship with patrons and fellow staff.
Due to the diverse nature of the Bounce Fitness operation, all staff are expected to show flexibility and initiative in new assignments. All Bounce Fitness staff are expected to exercise independence of judgement and initiative at all times.
Reporting to the Bounce Fitness Manager, and working closely with all Bounce Fitness staff, the Fitness Instructor is responsible for the day to day operation of the Bounce Fitness Centre.
In more detail these responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
Customer Relations
Responsible for maintaining a constant focus on customer service as the number one priority of Fitness Centre staff and ensuring the highest possible level of customer relations at all times.
Acts in a public relations capacity to maximise public interest and participation in Bounce Fitness activities and to bring forth new ideas for the provision of activities and programs.
Responsible for reviewing and resolving problems/complaints efficiently and effectively, ensuring the highest possible level of customer acceptance and satisfaction.
Responsible for encouraging the development of and maintaining effective and co-operative working relationships with user groups, customers and members of the public.
Responsible for creating and fostering a strong atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation among the Bounce Fitness Centre staff.
Fitness Centre Operation
Responsible for ensuring that equipment, work spaces and counters are clean, well organised and well maintained at all times.
Assists customers with operation and use of fitness equipment.
Advises and consults with customers regarding personal fitness needs and assists customers in developing personal fitness plans.
Design and lead classes as rostered.
Provide high calibre personal training and personal training programmes
Cash Control
Responsible for monitoring admissions, sales and drop-in admissions.
Willingness to learn the philosophies, objectives, policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness operation.
Extensive knowledge of the Fitness Industry.
Extensive experience in personal training, class design and leading classes.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the public and fellow staff.
Nationally Registered Certification.
Current level 1 First Aid and CPR certificate.
Ability to exercise independent judgement and initiative.
Experience in handling cash, cash reconciliation sheets, cash registers and cash floats.
Extensive experience in customer service positions with a clear understanding of the importance and value of customer service.
Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing.
Initiative and desire to undertake additional training to upgrade own skills and abilities.
Appendix 2
Recruitment and Selection Policy
At Bounce Fitness, we engender trust and integrity, we are upfront, honest and transparent-internally and externally- and act in Bounce Fitness’s best interest. Bounce Fitness is committed to a fair and consistent approach to recruitment and selection.
Bounce Fitness promotes Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in all aspects of recruitment and selection. EEO is about appointing and promoting the person best qualified for a role without discrimination through selection processes which are open, transparent, and based on merit.
The intent of this policy is to ensure that recruitment and selection decisions are made consistently, fairly and equitably across Bounce Fitness and meet any legislative requirements.
This policy applies to permanent, contract or casual job vacancies at Bounce Fitness.
This policy excludes temporary assignments.
The Recruitment Team must be involved in all recruitment and selection activities, except in limited circumstances where the process may be managed solely by the Chief Human Resources Officer.
Bounce Fitness is committed to recruiting all employees fairly, transparently and on the basis of merit so that the best candidate is hired for the position. Bounce Fitness may decline to offer a candidate employment because the candidate is unsuitable for the position. Bounce Fitness may also decline to offer a candidate employment due to a matter disclosed by background checks, outcome of a Drug and Alcohol assessment, or where a person is unable to perform the requirements of a position.
Recruitment and selection decisions based on irrelevant factors such as a person’s sex, race, disability, age, sexuality or other personal biases or favouritism will not be condoned by Bounce Fitness, except where a specific program is in place to address diversity, graduate hiring, or other special needs.
Authority to Recruit
Only managers with an approved position in the workforce plan, a position description consistent with Bounce Fitness standards, and a target remuneration amount approved by the Rewards team are able to hire at Bounce Fitness.
Bounce Fitness promotes a recruitment approach that encourages internal and external advertising of roles. However, it is recognised that there are some instances when it is in Bounce Fitness’s interest to limit the breadth of advertising or approve a role as an exception to advertising entirely.
Variations to the standard process can only be made where it is clear that, because of the special circumstances, application of the variation would not breach the principles of merit and equity. Any request for an exception to advertising must clearly address this issue and requires endorsement from the Chief Human Resources Officer. Bounce Fitness Policy – Bounce Fitness will source candidates through the Bounce Fitness Recruitment Team. Channels include internal advertising, the candidate database, advertising on the Bounce Fitness website and job boards, referrals and via other direct sourcing options.
Recruitment Agencies
Agencies may be engaged if the skills required are specialist in nature, there is a large number of the same role type to be filled or to provide extended geographic reach.
Engagement with recruitment agencies can only be initiated by the Recruitment Team or in limited circumstances by the Chief Human Resources Officer to ensure that the correct documentation is put in place to govern the engagement. All agencies engaged must have executed a Bounce Fitness Recruitment / Labour Hire Agreement.
Agency usage will require business justification, including, risks/impacts to the business operations if an agency is not approved and insight into what alternative sourcing strategies are available outside of engaging an agency.
Internal Candidates
Bounce Fitness encourages the filling of vacant positions by moving employees internally provided they have the skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications to perform the role. Bounce Fitness will generally advertise positions externally but may limit advertising of a position to internal applicants only, where it is demonstrated a genuine internal labour market exists that would deliver appropriately skilled candidates.
Re-Employment of Former Bounce Fitness Employees
Bounce Fitness does not discriminate either in favour or against re-employing former employees, subject to certain conditions.
Bounce Fitness may choose to re-employ a former employee if they are the best person available for the job, based on merit, and no specific decisions have been taken to not re-engage the former employee. In these circumstances, we may re-employ the former employee in accordance with this Policy.
If the employee had previously agreed to specific terms that precluded re-employment by Bounce Fitness for a specified period of time, those terms must be met. The employee will be ineligible for re-employment until those terms expire.
No offer of employment will be made to the former employee until the Chief Human Resources Officer approves the application.
An employee whose employment was terminated by Bounce Fitness, and who is re-employed, may be entitled under legislation to continuity of service for the purpose of long service leave, or other entitlements related to an employee’s length of service. This may vary from case-to-case, depending upon the terms of the termination.
In instances of re-employment, any continuity of service matters will be resolved prior to the point of the former employee’s re-engagement.
There will be no continuity of service if the employee resigned from their employment with Bounce Fitness. In this case, service will start on the day of commencement of the new employment contract, and all leave entitlements will be based on this date.
Diversity and Inclusion
Bounce Fitness is committed to building and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace. We have a strong culture of vibrancy, diversity and inclusivity where we embrace people’s backgrounds, experiences and differences and provide opportunities for all people whilst partnering with clients who share in these ideas.
Bounce Fitness recognises that each employee brings their own unique capabilities, experiences and characteristics to their work. We value such diversity at all levels of the company and believe that we are able to deliver the quality solutions to challenges and sustainable value for Bounce Fitness, our candidates and our clients. We recognise the importance of reflecting the diversity of our customers and markets in our workforce.
Diversity is a positive factor in the workplace. At Bounce Fitness this means:
• Embracing workforce diversity – age, gender, race, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, political belief, sexual orientation, disability, marital or family status and other areas of potential difference.
• Valuing diversity of perspective – leveraging the diverse thinking, skills, experience and working styles of our employees and other stakeholders.
• Building a flexible organisation – providing opportunities for work arrangements that accommodate the different needs of individuals at various career and life stages.
We encourage applications from Indigenous Australians, people with disability, people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, mature age workers and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
Bounce Fitness supports reasonable adjustment requests in any stage of the assessment process to remove barriers and facilitate full participation in all aspects of employment for applicants with disability. Candidates with disability can make requests for modifications or adjustments. The requests may assist in the application process and, if successfully placed, in the position.
Bounce Fitness works with our client base to support diversity targets and has extensive experience at developing recruitment methodologies that are inclusive and equitable.
Selection Process
The following process is to be used when selecting applicants for employment:
• screening and short listing suitable candidates using the Key Selection Criteria (KSC) as set out in the position description
• interviewing candidates using the KSC’s of the position description and Bounce Fitness’s values
• using psychometric tests as necessary
• conducting reference checks on the successful candidate
• completing background checks if appropriate for the position
• ensuring the prospective employee is eligible to work in Australia
• making a verbal offer to the successful candidate
Prior to any offer being made to a candidate the Recruitment Team must confirm that all terms of employment including remuneration are within the scope of the position that has been advertised.
All verbal offers of employment are to be made by the Recruitment Team either directly to the successful applicant or via the recruitment agency if applicable.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Recruitment Team is responsible for:
• liaising with and supporting the hiring manager during the recruitment and selection process
• managing the process of sourcing, advertising for, screening and short listing candidates
• engaging recruitment agencies if required
• managing reference and background checks
• determining where psychometric testing is needed
• managing the candidate offer
• managing all candidate communications including advice and feedback to unsuccessful candidates
The Hiring Manager is responsible for:
• working with the Recruitment Team during the recruitment and selection process to ensure the Recruitment Team have a clear understanding of the skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications required for the position
• ensuring the position is allocated in the workforce plan, has a position description, has been evaluated and sized from a remuneration perspective
• approving the advertisement and the short list
• establishing an interview panel
• selecting the successful candidate
• providing feedback to and debriefing the Recruitment Team at the completion of the process
• approving the letter of offer generated by the Human Resources Support Centre
The Human Resources Support Centre is responsible for:
• generating a letter of offer and sending to the hiring manager for signature
• generating a contract of employment on receiving the candidate’s acceptance
The Human Resources Business Partner is responsible for:
• supporting management and leadership in the design of their teams, jobs and working relationships with their teams and individuals
• ensuring that Bounce Fitness’s organisational design principles are adhered to in the approval of roles in the workforce plan and creation of job descriptions by managers
• Considering the merits of internal candidates when necessary
Further Information
Please contact your Manager or the Recruitment Team if you require additional information in relation to this policy
Appendix 3
Your employment will commence and terminate on XXXXXXXXXXX.
List duties of the receptionist as advertised or the job description here
Your place of employment will be at the location or locations XXXXXXX
Enter how long the probation will be for?
The National Employment Standards (NES) are the 10 minimum standards of employment which cover the following:
• Maximum weekly hours of work – 38 hours per week, plus reasonable additional hours.
• Requests for flexible working arrangements – certain employees can ask to change their working arrangement.
• Parental leave and related entitlements – up to 12 months unpaid leave and the right to ask for an extra 12 months unpaid leave. Also includes adoption related leave.
• Annual leave – four weeks paid leave per year, plus an additional week for some shift workers.
• Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave – 10 days paid personal/carer’s leave, two days unpaid carer’s leave as required, and two days compassionate leave as required.
• Community service leave – unpaid leave for voluntary emergency activities and leave for jury service, with an entitlement to be paid for up to 10 days for jury service.
• Long service leave – paid leave for employees who have been with the same employer for a long time.
• Public holidays – a paid day off on a public holiday (unpaid for casuals), except where reasonably requested to work.
• Notice of termination and redundancy pay – up to 5 weeks’ notice of termination and up to 16 weeks redundancy pay, both based on length of service.
• Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement – must be provided by employers to all new employees.
(List these and attach copies from Bounce Fitness website).