BRIEF (APPLE COMPANY: 3500 words not included reference)
1. Introduction (150 words)
1.1 Overview of the company
1.2 Define success
2. Measurement of success (300 words)
2.1 Balance scorecard
2.2 Gross Profit
2.3 Customer satisfaction
2.4 Employees satisfaction
3. Reasons for success (300 words) (why do measure the success of the company using the balance scorecard)
Ex: Market segmentation, Innovation, Security, Expansion, Distribution…
4. Internal analysis (1000 words)
4.1 Value chain
4.1.1 Primary Activities Inbound Logistic Operation Outbound Logistic Marketing and Sales Services
4.1.2 Support Activities Firm Infrastructure Technology Development Procurement
4.2 Core competence
4.3 VRIN framework (at least 3 capabilities which you have to draw the table and explanation below this table) Follow my attachment
5. Leadership contribution to Apple success (500 words)
5.1 Definition of Leadership
5.2 Full Range Leadership Model
5.3 Leadership Matrix
5.4 Charismatic Leadership
6. Review of strategy (800 words)
6.1 Growth strategy
6.2 International strategy
6.3 Competitive strategy
7. Analysis of the future of the company (450 words)
7.1 PEST factors affecting the company’s future
7.1.1 Political
7.1.2 Economic
7.1.3 Social- culture
7.1.4 Technological
7.2 Conclusion (will the company be successful in the future?)
8. References list ( at least 30 journal articles)