1.Choose any variables and identify a research question. 2.Once your data is collected, carry out your analysis analyse and display your data writes your results in a report clearly state the research question you have chosen specify the populations that will be represented describe the variables that you will collect, and in what form the data will be recorded describe, in brief, your plan for collecting the necessary data. This should include a description of where you plan to obtain your data and a sampling strategy, including details on how you will avoid bias in your sampling. provide a specific timeline for your project, including specific date for your data, when you will draft your report and when you will edit/ proofread your report. 3. You need to collect 20 data points for each group, for a total of 40 data points record your data in a suitable list which each set of data suitably titled. try to gather your data in a way that ensures your results are representative of the total population you are drawing your samples from. your raw data needs to be included in your report consider rounding your continuous data before using it to produce the stemleaf plot. Explain in about 200 words any differences and similarities between your initial plan, and the way your data was actually collected. Comment on any decisions you made due to unforeseen circumstances/ problems in this process Reflect on the way you collected your data and any troubles you had ensuring your data was representative of the populations sampled. In about 200 words, explain how your datagathering process could be improved accuracy and representation.