Paper details:
Writing Assignment Guidelines, PSY310, Summer, 2019 To practice identifying and interpreting descriptive statistics, students will complete an assignment that targets descriptive statistical information as part of a primary report of research. Students must use APA citation and reference style in completing this paper. The paper must be double spaced, in paragraphs (NOT bulleted) that begin with a five space indent. Do not add any additional spaces between paragraphs. Paper will be between 2-3 pages long. STEP ONE: Look over the articles in this folder. STEP TWO: Select the top three that you would prefer to use for this assignment. STEP THREE: Email me your top three choices by ***Note that any students who have not submitted their choices on time will be randomly assigned an article after all other assignments are made.*** STEP FOUR: Read your assigned article carefully. STEP FIVE: Write a paper that addresses the following points: Briefly summarize the major focus of the study, being sure to cite the source in the first sentence. What is the population that this study targets? What are the major research variables? What is one constant that is true of all of those targeted in the study? Select one major research variable and indicate the conceptual definition the researchers use. For the same research variable, indicate the operational definition. Specifically identify the Level of Measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, or Ratio) for the way it is operationally defined. Who are the participants or subjects in the sample? What is N for the sample? Identify three different types of statistics (mean versus percentage versus standard deviation versus frequency histogram…), and for each of those types of statistics, one specific numerical value, (The mean aggression score for males is 7.26.), and explain what that means (This value is the total of all make aggression scores divided by the number of scores). Comment on the usefulness and clarity of the descriptive statistical information presented in the article. Provide a reference for the source used.