DIRECTIONS: 1. Read the Boy Who was Raised as a Dog (Perry and Szalavitz, 2017) carefully. As you read, remember that you will be required to write a scholarly book review of its contents. A scholarly book review is a critical or evaluative account of a book. Like a general book report, it provides a brief overview of book’s content and structure, but you will be required to engage in critical reflection and thinking in order to assess the value of a book and recommend (or not recommend) it to other Child and Youth Care (CYC) professionals. You will use examples from the book to support your points. Although book reviews are not research papers, and are concerned mainly with the one book presented, you must include at least five-six relevant scholarly references in your paper, to support your analysis of the book. These articles should be from peer-reviewed journals and at least some of them should be CYC specific. APA format is mandatory. 2. As you read the book, ask yourself: a. What are the authors’ and the book’s main points/themes/ hypotheses? b. What kind of evidence do the authors use to support these points? c. Is this evidence convincing? Why or why not? Do the authors support their points adequately? d. How does this book compare to other research/articles/experts on the same topic? Does the book add to the current knowledge about this subject? e. Do the authors have the necessary expertise to write the book? What credentials or background do the authors have that qualify them to write the book? Have the authors written other books or papers on this topic? Do others in this field consider these authors to be experts? Remember this book has two authors! f. What was the purpose of the book? How successful do you think the authors were in carrying out the overall purpose of the book? Reviews of books should evaluate what kind of theory/practice the book is arguing for, how much and what kind of evidence the author uses to support his or her scholarly claims, how valid the evidence seems, how expert the author is, and how much the book contributes to the knowledge of the human services field. g. How do this book and the ideas in it relate to the CYC field, comparing the concepts/premises of the text to CYC principles and practice in order to determine if this is a book that you would recommend to others in the CYC field? (NOTE: Do not explicitly address all of the above questions in your paper. However, considering them may help you to better organize your own thoughts.) 3. Writing the Scholarly Book Review Use your own organizational format to write this review. It is usually helpful to have a clear introduction and a strong conclusion. In between, you may select a number of themes and organize your paper around these, integrating your own opinions, relating these to child and youth care practice, using the scholarly articles to support your opinions, and to support or refute the authors’ positions, critiquing the author’s ideas, theories, evidence and practice. Some students find that using headings helps them organize their papers. If you do use headings, be sure to follow APA format. There are a number of resources available on-line to provide you with further ideas and help you chose a format for your scholarly book review. However, you are free to create your own structure as long as your review is written in a professional, scholarly style. Your review is to be 8-12 pages long. Remember for purposes of this review, you must correctly reference at least five-six relevant scholarly references. Please review APA format and use it correctly! GRADING Eighty percent of the value of this assignment is based on content. This includes clarity, integration of concepts, evidence of critical reflection and analysis, relevance of scholarly materials to your focus area and to the field of Child and Youth Care. Twenty percent of the value is for format, which includes organization, grammar, spelling and correct use of APA format.