(1.1, 2.1) Identify each component part of the health and safety management system
Explain in detail what makes up the health and safety management system in your organisation?
(1.2, 2.2) Define the factors and features that are essential for the effective working of each part of the health and safety management system
In order for the management system to work effectively what factors need to be taken into account? Include in your answer personnel, facilities, resources, commitment by management etc?
(1.3, 2.3) Define the review frequency of each part of the health and safety management system
How often do you review each section of your health and safety management system and how did you decide on the frequency?
(1.4, 2.4) Assess the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the health and safety management system and advise directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers of any improvements required to the efficient and cost-effective working of each part of the system
Describe the process of assessing the cost effectiveness of your systems. Explain who is involved in the process. How do you justify recommendations for improvements to the management system following on from a review?
(2.5) Develop changes to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the health and safety management system
Describe the steps you would use to improve the cost-effectiveness of your organization.
(1.4, 2.6) Plan and manage the implementation of changes to each part of the health and safety management system
Describe what you might consider when planning the changes. Who would be involved, resources, timescales and how will it be reviewed. Describe how you would manage the changes to minimize the disruption to the business.
(1.5, 2.7) Maintain records of the review of each part of the health and safety management system.
Describe the records you use for your auditing tool, how this is stored (electronic/hard copy) and how this is maintained.
(3.1) Assess the nature and role of health and safety review systems within the organization
Describe how you assessed each part of your management system.
(3.2) Describe the organisation’s health and safety management system
Describe the components which make up the management system. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your management system?
(3.3) Define the factors and features that are essential for the efficient and cost-effective working of a health and safety management system
What are the essential factors and features required to ensure your safety management system works as intended and within agreed budget constraints?
(3.4) Assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a health and safety management system
What information and data do you take into account when assessing the cost-effectiveness of your system from one review period to the next?
(3.5) Explain the principles of:
- electronic and paper record systems
- how to respond to the health and safety needs of others
Describe the principles, advantages and disadvantages of the electronic and paper record systems. Explain how you back up systems to prevent loss of information. Also describe how your systems are used to respond the needs of others ie auditors, authorities, employee reps etc.
(3.6) Describe external factors influencing health and safety review systems, to include:
- health and safety statutory requirements
- industry best practice
- quality requirements for documentation.
Describe how health and safety statutory requirements, industry best practice, materials used in production processes, location, etc. and quality requirements for documentation influence your health and safety management systems.