Individual HIA Paper
There will be several HIA project presentations at the end of the semester. Select two of the groups that are presented, besides your own. You will compare these two reports to the report that you presented. Your job is not to critique the students presenting, but to analyze the content of the reports. You may use information from the in-class presentations or from the reports themselves to assist you in writing your review. Your paper should be 3-5 double-spaced papers with 11-12 point-font. Do not copy any text from any sources, including direct quotes, even if you use quotation marks. Please paraphrase any content from your sources by explaining it in your own words.
Topic (What were the issues being discussed in the HIAs?)
-Explain briefly how the health issues that were presented in the three reports are similar or different.
-Explain briefly how the policies or plans that were presented to improve health outcomes in the three reports are similar or different.
-Explain briefly how the populations affected by the issues presented in the three reports are similar or different.
Methods (How did the authors of the HIA reports conduct their HIAs?)
Explain how the following methodological aspects were similar or different in the 3 reports:
-Data collection techniques used in the HIAs.
-Comprehensiveness of the health issues addressed in the HIAs (were there many or few?).
-Community participation in implementing the HIAs.
-Timing of the HIAs (how long did it take to write the HIAs? How much time did they have after the HIAs were completed to educate the public and policymakers before a decision had to be made?)
Evaluation (How well were the HIAs conducted and reported?)
-Compare the challenges that were experienced by those writing the 3 HIAs
-Compare the strengths of the 3 reports (how well they performed the tasks of collecting and analyzing data and using it to suggest recommendations and mitigations)
-Compare the opportunities to improve the 3 reports (what they could have done better if they had had the time, expertise, or resources)
External Sources (What information can you find that supports or contradicts the HIAs?)
Find at least 1 relevant scientific reference for each of the three reports that is not cited in the reports. These sources must be from 1. peer-reviewed scientific journals; 2. Government reports or monographs (not a website) such as from the CDC, USDHHS, EPA, USDA, etc; or 3. Reports or monographs (not a website) from a non-profit organization that does independent research such as American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, etc.
Use the references that you find to reflect on the appropriateness of the HIA findings and recommendations. Explain what controversies there are in the HIA findings (for example is there evidence which contradicts the HIA?). Cite the references properly with an in-text citation and a references section at the end of your paper. I suggest using APA format for your citations and references.
In text citation: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html
Scroll to the bottom and see where it says to summarize or paraphrase. Do not use direct quotations in this paper.
At this website on the left-hand side there is a list of different types of references such as periodicals, books, and electronic sources to provide you with more information.
Grading Rubric (Total 30 points)
Section Novice
(0-55%) Developing
(70%) Proficient
(85%) Excellent
(5 points) Points are missing; or 3 points are unclear or wrong All 3 points are present, but two are unclear or contains errors All 3 points are present, but one is unclear or contains errors Explain differences in 1 policies; 2 health issues; 3 populations
(10 points) Points are missing; or 3+ points are unclear or wrong All 4 points are present, but two are unclear or contains errors All 4 points are present, but one is unclear or contains errors Explain differences in 1 data collection; 2 comprehensiveness;
3 community participation; 4 timing
(10 points) Points are missing; or 3 points are unclear or wrong All 3 points are present, but two are unclear or contains errors All 3 points are present, but one is unclear or contains errors Compare 1 challenges; 2 strengths; 3 opportunities for improvement
(5 points) Points are missing; or 3 points are unclear or wrong All 3 points are present, but two are unclear or contains errors All 3 points are present, but one is unclear or contains errors 1 find three valid sources; 2 reflect on the HIA findings; 3 report any possible controversy