Harvard Referencing Learning Outcomes Research Proposal Research Proposal 3500 – 4000 20% When submitting work for assessment, students should be aware of the InterActive guidance and regulations in concerning plagiarism. All submissions should be your own, original work. Your submission will be electronically checked for plagiarism. The Harvard Referencing System must be used. The Wikipedia website must not be referenced in your work. On successful completion of this assignment you will be able to: 1. Formulate a research proposal and design this into a workable research plan 2. Design and manage a business critical independent applied research in their chosen discipline and present their findings, to a professionally acceptable standards 3. Critically evaluate and analyse their findings, report on their conclusions in clear and acceptable standard in the form of an engagement report present analyses of issues and organisational problems in a concise, accurate, clear and interesting manner from the perspective of a consultant. 4. Synthesise theory in a practical context to evidence knowledge, understanding and transferrable skills with regards to the taught components of their studies “Before you start your research you need to have at least some idea of what you want to do. Without being clear about what you are going to research it is difficult to plan how you are going to research it (Saunders et al, 2003). The quote below illustrates the above points: This is part of Alice’s conversation with the Cheshire Cat. In this Alice asks the cat (Carroll, 1989:634): ‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to walk from here?’ ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat. ‘I don’t much care where, ‘said Alice. ‘Then it doesn’t matter which way you walk,’ said the Cat. (Saunders et al, 2003) Formulating and clarifying the research topic is the starting point of your research project (Ghauri & Gronhaug, 2002; Smith and Dainty, 1991). Once you are clear about this you will be able to choose the most appropriate
Your Task research strategy and data collection and analysis techniques. The formulating and clarifying process is time consuming and will probably take you up blind alleys (Saunders and Lewis, 1997). However, without spending time on this stage you are far less likely to achieve a successful project (Raimond, 1993) Your research proposal must be written and presented in the format outlined below:
? Title
? Background
? Industry Background
? Research aim, research questions or hypotheses and objectives
? Research Methodology
? Timescale
? Resources
? References Please read all questions and information provided carefully. Answer should be made in appropriate
length keeping in view the requirement of each question and total word counts allowed. In addition, your assignment should demonstrate the following qualities: A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support argument, substantiate calculations and other aspects of the assignment. Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources which is descriptive or simply just theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of taking theory into practice. Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real world factors related to the companies under scrutiny. Evidence of additional personal research, and the ability to analyse material from a variety of appropriate relevant perspectives. Presentation, structure, appropriateness of methodology, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness. Marks will be awarded for proper referencing and originality of work. Also note that plagiarism is a serious offence and your submission will be electronically checked. Your report must be handed in electronically no later than given date of submission