Task 1: http://www.nba.com/video/channels/nba_tv/2014/04/29/20140429-silver-press-conference.nba/ Over the course of 88 days in 2014, culminating with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver’s issue of a lifetime ban for LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, the ‘rookie’ commissioner was placed into the fire almost immediately into his tenure as commissioner. There was intensive media coverage of both Mr. Sterling’s comments, as well as the response and reaction of Mr. Silver. Many commentators wrote about the “leadership” of Mr. Silver in this instance and how his actions stood apart from other similar incidents in sports management. For example, there have been several other incidents in sports, involving either owners or players, that contained racial, ethnic, sexual orientation or inflammatory comments and attributions. For example, former MLB owner Marge Schott was suspended by MLB in 1993 for making a series of offensive comments. The assignment is to compare and contrast Mr. Silver’s actions with at least one other incident in sports history. Specifically, you are to compare the management and leadership actions of Mr. Silver to how other leaders handled a previous incident. How did Mr. Silver compare in his methods, practices, style and actions to another incident? IMPORTANT NOTE: You may NOT use Roger Goodell, Marge Schott or incidents related to the National Football League. Your response should be at least 400 words, and include references to sources you use in your response. Task 2: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_why_good_leaders_make_you_feel_safe?language=en In Mr. Simon Sinek’s video on leadership, he points to the concept of “psychological safety” as an imperative for leaders to deliver to their subordinates. Often in sports, we see this concept exploited. For example, many times, coaches and managers will accept all of the criticism for poor performance by the team, while deflecting attention toward the team when there is success. As you watch Mr. Sinek, you should identify a situation in sports management where this practice was demonstrated to show success for the team, and/or, organization. Which organization was it, when did it occur, and most importantly, identify the key leaders and managers involved. What was the situation, and what was the outcome? Do you see any similarities between the teachings of Mr. Sinek and your particular example? What were those?