include the table of content With respect to assignment 3, there have been some queries about the choice of proposal. Choose something that you have an interest in that is not in the same area as your previous assignments but one that is not too small. As a guide have at least 3 or 4 each of positive and negative health determinants, so that you have something to work with. The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate that you could carry out an HIA, without actually having to do one. Show that you understand what is required, following the steps provided, including appropriate justification. You should have developed a good understanding of HIA from the first two assignments. The final assignment will expand and apply this to a new sector. Choose a proposal for a policy, plan or project that you are aware of that could have an impact on the health and wellbeing of a population. It is recommended that you choose a proposal that is located near to you or has relevance to your personal interests or work experience. The proposal chosen should NOT have had a completed HIA conducted and should be in a different sector to your first two assignments. Websites of local governments and government departments are a good place to start. Stories in the media are also a good source. Avoid small scale proposals that are unlikely to have any significant health impacts. Complete the following key steps of HIA: • Scoping Consider the determinants of health in the context of the proposal. Undertake a brief scoping by developing a diagram that highlights the main causal pathways linking the proposal to human health outcomes. • Stakeholder Consultation Outline how you would undertake effective stakeholder consultation and justify your selection of key stakeholders. • Profiling Outline how you would undertake profiling of the population likely to be affected by the proposal, making sure you consider vulnerable groups. Clearly state your proposed data sources. • Assessment Select 2 significant health impacts identified in the scoping phase one associated with an environmental determinant of health and the other with a social determinant of health. Provide a clear rationale for your selection in terms of the potential level of risk or benefit to human health. • Recommendations Develop recommendations to maximise the health outcomes associated with the two impacts you have selected. State the key stakeholders responsible for implementing each recommendation. • Monitoring and Evaluation Develop a table that outlines a monitoring and evaluation plan to implement the recommendations and to ascertain whether they are effective.