Assignmеnt 4: Policу Issue/Action PowerPoint Presentаtion (20 points) Students will build upon the previous assignments and develop a PowerPoint (PPT) and Kaltura presentation on the selected policy/issue. Assignment Criteria For this assignment: 1. Using the previous assignments, develop a PPT presentation and Kaltura media to address to the legislative committee in the form of a testimony. a. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in the APA Documents/Resources. b. Use the PPT as a method to get the message across to those who make the decisions. 2. Include the following information in the slides: a. Slide 1: Title This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. b. Slide 2: Introduction Briefly discuss your name and the organization you represent (include a very brief description about the organization). Use bulleted points. c. Slide 3: Purpose statement d. Slide 4: Problem statement Provide specific details about the policy you are there to address. Why is this a concern? e. Slide 5: Recommendations What is your solution to the problem/policy? What is the impact in terms Of cost, savings, lives, etc. f. Slide 6: Conclusion Summarize key points and thank the committee. g. Slide 7: References in APA format (please include intext citations on slides). ***Do not cut and paste content verbatim from Assignments 2 and 3 into the PPT*** 3. Include a minimum of three (3) references. References can be from prior assignments and must be less than five (5) years old unless they are classical works as defined by APA, References must be from scholarly peerreviewed journals (check Ulrichweb Periodical Directory) unless approved by instructor. 4. The PPT presentation is limited to eight (8) slides with a timeframe not to exceed eight (8) minutes. Once the PPT presentation is complete, record and present in Kaltura media. 5. Information within the PPT should be in bulleted format, not narrative paragraphs. Additional PPT presentation resources are located in APA Documents/Resources in the Course Menu. 6. The assignment does not need to be submitted to TurnitinDirect. 7. Submit the PPT and Kaltura media to the Assignment Dropbox by the posted due date. PowerPoint Grading Rubric Assignment 4: Policy Issue/Action PowerPoint Presentation (20 points) Assignment Criteria/ Quality/Accuracy of Information 6 points 5 points 4 point 3 points All criteria addressed. Information provided relates to the topic and includes supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. 12 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic or include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. 34 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic or include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. Greater than 4 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic and did not include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. Organization/Headings 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Headings present and wording readable from 3 feet away design layout is neat and attractive;
citation(s) present on slide, information logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Headings not present and/or wording is not readable from 3 feet away and/or design layout is not neat and attractive and/or information not logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Headings not present and wording not readable from 3 feet away. There is an attempt at organization but errors exist. Headings not included and/or design layout is not neat and attractive and/or information not logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Slide Requirement 3 points 2 point 1 points 0 points Adhered to required number of slides and includes a title slide, purpose statement slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, and reference slide Adhered to required number of slides but omitted a title slide or purpose statement slide or introduction slide or citation(s) present on slide or conclusion slide or reference slide Did not adhere to the required number of slides and/or did not include a title slide, purpose statement slide, introduction slide, a conclusion slide, and reference slide Did not adhere to slide requirement or instructional rubric Sources 3 points 2 points 1 points 0 points All references are from a relevant professional peerreviewed scholarly journal, within a 5year timeframe, or a classic/ historical source. The majority of references are from a relevant professional peerreviewed scholarly journal, within a 5year timeframe, or a classic/historical source. Some references are from nonpeerreviewed scholarly sources or older than 5 years. Majority of references are from nonpeerreviewed scholarly sources or older than 5 years. Kaltura Media 4 points 0 points Kaltura Media utilized Kaltura Media not utilized Earned Points Up to 20% of the assigned points (total points of assignment) can be deducted from the earned points for errors in APA (title slide, reference slide, citations, format, spelling, or grammar). Final Total Assignment 4: Policy Issue/Action PowerPoint Presentation (20 points) Students will build upon the previous assignments and develop a PowerPoint (PPT) and Kaltura presentation on the selected policy/issue. Assignment Criteria For this assignment: 1. Using the previous assignments, develop a PPT presentation and Kaltura media to address to the legislative committee in the form of a testimony. a. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in the APA Documents/Resources. b. Use the PPT as a method to get the message across to those who make the decisions. 2. Include the following information in the slides: a. Slide 1: Title This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. b. Slide 2: Introduction Briefly discuss your name and the organization you represent (include a very brief description about the organization). Use bulleted points. c. Slide 3: Purpose statement d. Slide 4: Problem statement Provide specific details about the policy you are there to address. Why is this a concern? e. Slide 5: Recommendations What is your solution to the problem/policy? What is the impact in terms Of cost, savings, lives, etc. f. Slide 6: Conclusion Summarize key points and thank the committee. g. Slide 7: References in APA format (please include intext citations on slides). ***Do not cut and paste content verbatim from Assignments 2 and 3 into the PPT*** 3. Include a minimum of three (3) references. References can be from prior assignments and must be less than five (5) years old unless they are classical works as defined by APA, References must be from scholarly peerreviewed journals (check Ulrichweb Periodical Directory) unless approved by instructor. 4. The PPT presentation is limited to eight (8) slides with a timeframe not to exceed eight (8) minutes. Once the PPT presentation is complete, record and present in Kaltura media. 5. Information within the PPT should be in bulleted format, not narrative paragraphs. Additional PPT presentation resources are located in APA Documents/Resources in the Course Menu. 6. The assignment does not need to be submitted to TurnitinDirect. 7. Submit the PPT and Kaltura media to the Assignment Dropbox by the posted due date. PowerPoint Grading Rubric Assignment 4: Policy Issue/Action PowerPoint Presentation (20 points) Assignment Criteria/ Quality/Accuracy of Information 6 points 5 points 4 point 3 points
All criteria addressed. Information provided relates to the topic and includes supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. 12 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic or include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. 34 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic or include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. Greater than 4 criteria omitted and/or information provided did not relate to the topic and did not include supporting details, rationale, and/or examples. Organization/Headings 4 points 2 points 1 point 0 points Headings present and wording readable from 3 feet away design layout is neat and attractive; citation(s) present on slide, information logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Headings not present and/or wording is not readable from 3 feet away and/or design layout is not neat and attractive and/or information not logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Headings not present and wording not readable from 3 feet away. There is an attempt at organization but errors exist. Headings not included and/or design layout is not neat and attractive and/or information not logically organized according to the assignment criteria utilizing wellconstructed bullet points. Slide Requirement 3 points 2 point 1 points 0 points Adhered to required number of slides and includes a title slide, purpose statement slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, and reference slide Adhered to required number of slides but omitted a title slide or purpose statement slide or introduction slide or citation(s) present on slide or conclusion slide or reference slide Did not adhere to the required number of slides and/or did not include a title slide, purpose statement slide, introduction slide, a conclusion slide, and reference slide Did not adhere to slide requirement or instructional rubric Sources 3 points 2 points 1 points 0 points All references are from a relevant professional peerreviewed scholarly journal, within a 5year timeframe, or a classic/ historical source. The majority of references are from a relevant professional peerreviewed scholarly journal, within a 5year timeframe, or a classic/historical source. Some references are from nonpeerreviewed scholarly sources or older than 5 years. Majority of references are from nonpeerreviewed scholarly sources or older than 5 years. Kaltura Media 4 points 0 points Kaltura Media utilized Kaltura Media not utilized Earned Points Up to 20% of the assigned points (total points of assignment) can be deducted from the earned points for errors in APA (title slide, reference slide, citations, format, spelling, or grammar). Final Total