INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write ONE essay of 1000 words (10% less or more is acceptable) in response to ONE of the questions below. 2. Use the .docx template provided on TCOLE to type your essay, and sign the statement of authorship. Save your document as a PDF for submission.
TUTORIAL POEMS 1. ‘Walking on Water’ Dorothy Porter ‘In “Walking on Water”, Dorothy Porter suggests that youthful ambition can make it difficult to see how things really are.’ Discuss. 2. ‘Caged Bird’ Maya Angelou ‘In “Caged Bird”, Maya Angelou uses contrast to express anger and frustration.’ Discuss, with reference to at least two of the devices that create this contrast. 3. ‘Two Monkeys by Brueghel’ Wislawa Szymborska ‘In “Two Monkeys by Brueghel”, Wislawa Szymborska writes about a visual image in order to express particular ideas about “mankind”’. Discuss. LECTURE POEMS 4. ‘Seascape’ Elizabeth Bishop ‘Elizabeth Bishop’s “Seascape” suggests that nature and religion have little in common’. Discuss.
5. ‘Dulce et decorum est’ Wilfred Owen ‘Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et decorum est” uses particularly original patterns and imagery to express the poem’s themes.’ Discuss. 6. To those who follow in our wake Bertolt Brecht ‘Bertolt Brecht’s “To those who follow in our wake” uses an unusual voice and point of view to get across its message’. Discuss. Assessment Criteria Students will be rewarded primarily for the ability to communicate ideas in lively and interesting ways. This will be assisted by observing the following criteria: Thought and Content 1. Knowledge and understanding of the chosen text (including understanding of literary devices used.) 2. Relevance 3. Ability to provide evidence to support what you are saying 4. Complexity of ideas and issues explored Structure and Argument 1. The sequence and coherence of the answer as it develops 2. The shape and cohesion of the answer as a whole 3. The cogency of the argument 4. Proper referencing Expression and Style 1. The expressiveness and fluency of the answer 2. The effectiveness and appropriateness of the language chosen 3. Striking or imaginative use of language Collusion and plagiarism will be penalised. In cases where plagiarism is suspected but the source cannot be found, a student may be required to explain their writing orally. If the oral performance is not deemed satisfactory, the assessment may attract a penalty, a lack of documentary proof notwithstanding.