Romanesque pilgrimage churches were constructed throughout Western Europe to house relics of various saints. Seeking salvation, the faithful were called to make great personal sacrifice and travel to these churches. As stated in Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, “The distance and peril of the pilgrimage were measures of pilgrims’ sincerity of repentance or the reward they sought.” Create a brochure that educates the reader on the features of one of the great Romanesque pilgrimage churches. In creating your brochure, consider the following: Your brochure should not be a detailed study of the pilgrimage church, but, it should give the faithful enough information they need to decide whether or not they want to make the sacrifice and visit. Your brochure must include: The name of the church/date constructed A map of the location of the church Images of the interior and exterior The architectural features that distinguish it from other pilgrimage churches Any relics housed in the church to attract pilgrims You can create your brochure as a Word document.