Thе heаlth care envіronment is complex, requiring leadership that is comprehensive and collaborative in the field. It is essential for leaders to be well-versed in a range of areas (practice, research, education) as a means of effective engagement with interprofessional communities. Effective leaders have heightened awareness of self and individual leadership styles, leading to professional growth, career advancement, and the ability to develop leaders for the future across the fields of practice (nursing, health administration, public health).
Your final assignment in your first course will bring together all the aspects of leadership that you have examined and discussed over the last 9 units. In this assignment, you will analyze and evaluate your own leadership qualities to create a portrait of the health care professional and leader you aspire to be.
Since this assignment requires you to develop a self-portrait, you may write this paper in first-person voice. Note: It is very important for your development as a scholar-practitioner that you recognize that writing in the first person is not usually acceptable in academic papers. However, given the nature of this assignment, it has been deemed appropriate to make an exception here. Please remember that the third-person voice is the universal norm in academic writing. You should always exercise careful consideration before departing from this norm.
Assignment Instructions
You have been offered the opportunity to apply for a leadership position in your organization. As a part of the application process, your potential employer uses the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s (NCHL) competency model of leadership development (NCHL, 2016), which includes a 360-degree evaluation. The evaluation is an assessment that includes anonymous, confidential feedback from those around you, such as your peers, supervisor, direct reports, stakeholders, as well as a self-assessment on behavior (relational), technical and operational skills, and strategic ability. As a part of this 360-degree evaluation, you will complete the self-assessment component. This information will be shared with the interview committee for the position, so it is important that you demonstrate your knowledge and experience in each of the areas outlined below.
To complete this assignment, you will need to:
* Identify and analyze at least one leadership theory or style that you believe best aligns with your own thoughts of what leadership means. Use that theory or style (or theories or styles) to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. TRANSFORMATIONAL and SERVANT LEADERSHIP is my choice.
* Evaluate the leadership characteristics you already possess. Then, identify at least two additional leadership characteristics you would like to develop. Explain how these characteristics will allow you to guide, educate, inform, and influence others to manage change in the field of health care.
* Evaluate how your leadership attributes will serve to help you build and maintain collaborative relationships across disciplines within your community.
* Identify the main principles of ethical leadership in health care, citing your sources, and evaluate how you can best apply them given your leadership style. Where do you have room to grow in this area? How can you prepare yourself to do so?
* Analyze how you, as a health care leader, can address diversity and inclusion. Explain why these factors are important and how they contribute to effective leadership in health care. Give an example you have experienced or read about. Cite your sources.
* Apply the Scholar-Practitioner Learning Model, linked in the Resources, to analyze how your professional and academic experiences will contribute to and guide your development as an effective leader.
* Summarize how the concepts and information you have gained from this course and from your own research will guide your continued leadership development and how you will apply them in practice.
Be clear and concise in your writing. Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
Use correct grammar and mechanics. Be sure to support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from scholarly sources.
Cite your sources appropriately. Use correct APA formatting for all in-text citations and references.
Include a title page and reference page. An APA style paper template and associated tutorial, linked in the assignment Resources, are provided to help you in writing and formatting your self-assessment.
Note: The assignment requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Personal Leadership Portrait Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
Example assignment: You may use the Personal Leadership Portrait Example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
Submission Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
* Written communication: Write coherently to support central ideas, in appropriate format, and with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
* Length of paper: 4 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page.
* References: At least five different resources (peer-reviewed journals or sources, assigned unit readings, et cetera) to support your statements.
* APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting, as well as for citing your resources in the body of your paper and on the Reference page.
* Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.