Purроse: The purpose of thіs project is to: demonstrаte аn understanding of qualitу improvement process by designing a small test of change; evaluate tools used in quality improvement; and to apply principles of quality improvement in the clinical setting. Assignment Guidelines: In this project, student will work to identify a quality indicator (or clinical problem) in their clinical setting (unit where you work is applicable). If student is not currently working, you can select problem from the Case Studies Folder. Following LEAN and the PlanDoCheckAct process (also known as PlanDoStudyAct), each student will design, implement and evaluate a small test of change aimed to improve outcomes associated with the quality indicator. Individual Grades 1. Background/Problem Statement (including literature reviews) 75 2. PLAN/DO 50 3. CHECK/ACT 25 4. A3 plus Final PDCA Paper Compilation (#1 #3) 50 Required Components of the Project: 1. Plan/Do/Check/Act Sections: a. Each student (or group) will submit the Problem Statement and accompanying 2 or more Literature Reviews for peer and faculty feedback (no grade). See Course Calendar for due date. The faculty will review the forms and offer advice, but you will not receive a grade on the first submission. You will incorporate this portion to your Background and Problem Statement Section (graded). b. Form templates for Background/Problem Statement, Plan/Do, Check/Act and A3 Summary Sections are available to guide/instruct you in the development of your QI Project Folder. It is expected that you follow the template. 2. A3 Summary Report should include the following: a. Background: Students provided a summary of why the problem was important to the unit/hospital. The summary clearly articulated current evidence was used to define the problem and/or design a solution. The quality indicator selected was one of importance to healthcare quality. Ideally the indicator would be linked to a national quality or safety indicator for Joint Commission, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), or National Quality Forum and/or should be linked to a national nursesensitive quality indicator. b. Current State: Students clearly defined the problem and provided a Flow Chart to depict current process. c. Goal: Students described the target condition, and provided sound rationale for the targeted goal. d. Cause Analysis: Students analyze probable causes and depict using a Fishbone Diagram. e. Future State: Students used Flow Chart to depict future state specifying who, what, and when. f. Check Results: Run Chart: Students provided a run chart with the baseline data and data following at least one test of change. g. Followup: Students analyzed results and provided a discussion of next steps. 3. Completed PDCA form and Reference list: Students submitted a completed PDCA forms to describe the complete process. Students provided separate list of 2 or more references in APA style.