This is the prompt and compose a 3-4 page, thesis driven essay. 1.
Often in literary works, authors choose a physical object which takes on a special significance in the work and becomes a symbol of something beyond itself. Show how the author uses a symbol to convey an important meaning. In your essay, focus on the symbol and what it symbolizes. Be sure to discuss how the author uses it to convey a message to readers. You may choose three important symbols, or you may choose to elaborate on one symbol in all three body paragraphs. (symbol/irony) I’m attaching the links for 2 short stories please only choose 1! Read them and make sure you choose the one that interests you the most.
after choosing the short story please let me know which one you’ve chosen. Thank You This essay must also be written in first person, second person or, third person: 1st Person I, we me, us my, mine, our, ours 2nd Person you You your, yours 3rd Person he, she, it, they him, her, it, them his, her, hers, it, their, theirs