What is your essay question?
A critical exploration of the occupational therapy process in relation to (state your chosen case study here). (A health website link to choose a case study from will be provided)
Should your essay link back to your lectures, seminars, or other module topics?
Yes, these have been provided below.
The researcher should focus on providing a meaningful intervention for whichever case study they are going to choose as a qualified occupational therapist using a model of human occupation theory and to follow the assignment guidelines.
The case study link is below:
Visit the healthtalkonline website: http://www.healthtalkonline.org/ and select one of the persons’ experience you wish to use for your assignment from the following subfolders:
Bones and Joints: http://www.healthtalkonline.org/Bones_joints/
You are advised to consider experiences of the conditions covered in your seminars or previous experience rather than, for example, the more complex psychiatric conditions at this stage. However, if you are confident in your ability to demonstrate your knowledge of the occupational therapy process in these areas, then please feel free to do so.