Question 1. According to Bob’s medication chart the options you have for pain relief are: • Paracetamol 1gm PO QID (Bob last had 1gm dose at 0800am) • Endone 5-10mg PO PRN (3-4 hourly) (Bob last had 5mg dose at 1130am) • Celebrex 200mg PO PRN (BD) (Bob last had one 200mg dose before he came to hospital he has not had a dose since his hospital admission) Which medication (select only one) would you administer to Bob now based on the above information you have been given? And Why? Provide a detailed rationale for your answer (use an array of literature to support your choice) 400 words Question 2. Working as a nurse requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Select one member of the multidisciplinary team (NOT a doctor) that you would engage in Bob’s care throughout his hospital admission. Provide a detailed rationale for your answer (use an array of literature to support your choice) • 400 words JULY 2017 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS: Format: • Use double spacing in your assignment text • Use Times New Roman size 12 font • References are to follow APA guidelines Rubric outline (see detailed rubric below that describes each section): 1. Structure & organisation 2. Selection and use of literature 3. Content Sections Questions to help guide assignment discussion Words Introduction Introduce your assignment: o What will you be talking about (outline it for the reader) o i.e. what is the scope and focus for your paper 100 words Body Q1. Which medication would you administer to Bob? And Why? Provide a detailed rationale for your answer (use literature to support your choice) o State your medication that you will give o Describe why you have chosen this medication for Bob o Does the literature support its use for someone like Bob (i.e. with his presenting condition, diagnosis, past medical history etc..) o i.e. overall it is appropriate to give Bob this medication Q2. Working as a nurse requires a multidisciplinary team approach. Select one member of the multidisciplinary team (NOT a doctor) that you would engage in Bob’s care throughout his hospital admission. Provide a detailed rationale for your answer (use literature to support your choice) o State the team member you have chosen o Describe why you have chosen this referral for Bob o Use the literature to support their role (i.e. how will they help Bob? Why are they needed for Bob’s care? What value will they add?) o i.e. overall why is it appropriate to make this engagement for Bob 400 words 400 words Conclusion Conclude your assignment: o What did you talk about? o What were the main points and arguments in your paper? 100 wo