Baran, S. (2017). Introduction to mass communication: Media literacy and culture (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Imagine you have the opportunity to pitch an idea for a new TV or movie program that is based on current market trends. You will need to research what the popular genres are in either movies or television and write your pitch with the intention of selling a story that falls in line with what is currently profitable.
Write a 350- to 700-word pitch to either a movie or television producer. Include an analysis discussing how current popular entertainment trends do or do not reflect American cultural values and their influence on social behavior as well.
Submit your assignment.
Refer to the following required learning activities:
o Introduction to Mass Communication, Ch. 7
o Introduction to Mass Communication, Ch. 6
o Introduction to Mass Communication, Ch. 8
o Introduction to Mass Communication, Ch. 9
o Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings
o Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings Videos
o TEDTalks: Mark Ronson
o TEDTalks: The World’s Most Boring Television
o Center for Writing Excellence
o Reference and Citation Generator
o Grammar and Writing Guides