Your story map will include a selection of your seven best maps from weeks one through five. Since this is something you will want to show a prospective employer, do the best job you can to create an accurate and professional looking presentation. Identify points that you find interesting and would like to emulate in your own GIS Career Story Map. Submit the GIS Map Tour as a link in a .pdf file. Describe each map that is presented Describe the GIS skills and tools used to make each map Explain how the skills can be applied to address research questions, and societal or environmental topics. Create subheadings like the ones in the example and tutorial. Some subheadings suggestions include “GIS Skills” and “Environmental Applications” Cite your textbook and at least two scholarly sources to support how your skills can be applied to address environmental and/or societal issues. You may use the scholarly sources (i.e. academic journal articles) from your reading list. Include a separate references slide that is formatted according to APA style. The Maps will be upload into the additional files. Please use reference below as one of the three references. Law, M., & Collins, A. (2015). Getting to know ArcGIS desktop for ArcGIS 10.2 and 10.3 (4th ed.). Redlands, CA: ESRI Press.