The makeup work required if you miss a tutorial will be: 1) summarising the key points from the weeks reading (the review questions from each week will assist). and 2) review the case provided in the tutorial power points (the problem based learning case) and answer how you would approach and manage the case. The work should be approximately 800 words (dot points are acceptable) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The objectives for this week are to: 1. Identify the legal and ethical principles that guide mental health care. 2. Discuss the concept of duty of care. 3. Consider the ethical issues faced in the prehospital setting when providing mental health care. 4. Discuss current mental health legislation and its application. 5. Discuss the concepts of capacity and consent. 6. Discuss the legal and ethical issues of transporting someone with a mental illness (Care and Control) 7. Discuss the issue of restraint and sedation. 8. Introduce the SA Mental Health Act (2009) and the continuum of involuntary care pathways provided under state and territory Mental Health Acts The learning outcomes for this week are to: 1. Identify the relevant sections of the state or territory Mental Health Act which guides your paramedic practice. 2. Describe the ethical and legal issues which could be encountered during your care of someone with a mental illness. 3. Define informed consent and the different types of consent. 4. Identify the challenges to confidentiality and privacy when caring for someone in a community setting. 5. Define duty of care and discuss how this may be challenged when caring for an individual with a mental illness. 6. Discuss what is meant by care provision in the least restrictive environment and how does that relate to the prehospital setting. 7. Identify and discuss the principles of capacity and competence. 8. Be familiar with the different involuntary treatment and detention orders