1. What are the different media which you propose to choose & why? (Hint: base
you answer on the following factors, number of target audience reachable by
the media, Cost vs Reach). (10 marks)
2. Mention the budget allocation for each of the media vehicles, based on the
cost & scheduling factors. You may choose to use the budget estimation /
budget allocation tables given in your workbook.
Note: This budget needs to be as realistic as possible .You may choose to
refer to the tentative rates of different media, provided in your workbook or
do an internet based research. (7 marks)
3. What are the scheduling strategies which you propose to use for advertising
in each media type? Give an explanation / rationale for your scheduling
choice. (6 marks)
4. Based on the above scheduling strategy prepare a complete media schedule
for the entire campaign. You may use any format that you like or use the one
below. (7 marks)
Media Vehicle Spot for
Schedule with
Dates Rationale
5. Samsung wants to display this PC in a large IT exhibition where people would
come and experiment/get a look and feel of the working of this sliding PC.
Design a feedback questionnaire to get the feedback of the people coming to
this exhibition. (10 marks)
6. Finally, prepare a media plan highlighting the following points:
• Executive summary.
• Situation analysis.
• Media scheduling.
• Budget. (10 marks)
Assessment 2 total: 50 Mark