Group Report & Presentation Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) that should be achieved • Outcome statement (1): Appraise the range of global sustainability challenges facing businesses. • Outcome statement (3): Appraise methods and models to engage employees and identify and evaluate potential change agents and sustainability champions. • Outcome statement (4): Evaluate the value of organisational responses to sustainability challenges in light of the body of knowledge on sustainability. Evaluate the social responsibility strategy of a publicly held company of your choosing (Masdar City). As part of this project you will: (This is both for the report and the ppt) 1. Identify the company’s approach to sustainability 2. Identify why the company has adopted the strategy and how it is implementing it 3. Assess how the strategy furthers the competitive advantage of the firm (or not) 4. Critique the company’s strategy on its performance. PPT Format: (20 Slides) Slides should be as bullet points in the PPT presentation (NOTE: the detailed answers should be as foot note in each slide): • Introduction • Body Paragraphs: 1. Identify the company’s approach to sustainability 2. Identify why the company has adopted the strategy and how it is implementing it 3. Assess how the strategy furthers the competitive advantage of the firm (or not) 4. Critique the company’s strategy on its performance. • Summary conclusion regarding sustainability • References APA Style (6 Academic Journals & Company Website) Report Format: (1,500 words) • Table of Content • Introduction • Body Paragraphs: 5. Identify the company’s approach to sustainability 6. Identify why the company has adopted the strategy and how it is implementing it 7. Assess how the strategy furthers the competitive advantage of the firm (or not) 8. Critique the company’s strategy on its performance. • Conclusion • References APA Style (6 Academic Journals & Company Website) Important: • Overall presentation, style, and logical structuring of materials • Clarity of description of the subject • Demonstration of an understanding of each concept asked with clear interpretation and evaluation • The report should be typed and clearly laid out, preferably 12-point font, 1 1/2 line spacing, Times New Roman.