Client: Chaffey Learning Exchange (CLX) Project: Marketing strategy for “Research Hub” Website : https://www.chaffeyresearchhub.com/home this will talking about People This subject is Marketing Application. As I am an consultation Research Hub for my Client :CLX’s ( Chaffey learning exchange) . They have an website ( https://www.chaffeyresearchhub.com/home ) In my group we focusing on people in Marketing : Distribution Channel Website is they place but it not just about their ersatz but they have office. . My part of this assignment is about People. (This paper don’t need a content page and conclusion. ) Client: Chaffey Learning Exchange (CLX) Project: Marketing strategy for “Research Hub” In this report is focus on People in Marketing for CLX People • Who are the users? SMEs and Students (post secondary/university/High school student) Most this Highschool student using this research hubs. • How do they connect through the research hub? • The current situation of service people management are analyzed and suggestions are provided for effective management of the service talent cycle. 3 components; 1. Research producers (publishers/students) 2. Users (consumers) of the research SMEs 3. Mediator CLX research hub ; facilitates the communication between 1&2 How can CLX play an effective role in managing the 3 components in terms of marketing? • Help businesses in terms of problem definition • Help researchers to promote the researcher mindset Small/Medium Businesses (?) connect with the (CLX) org. to get there problems solved and questioned answered through research that they purchase from (CLX) o Business in Murray Bridge and River lane area • Who exactly are this businesses? o Marketing • How can we advertise/encourage more of the businesses in Murray Bridge to participate? Researchers (?) are the people that figure out and solve issues and problems that are posted on the (CLX) research hub that are sponsored by the businesses o Students that are signed up on (CLX) Research Hub Online website • Anyone that sees the post on the research hub can provide/do the research required to answer/solve the problem and post it back to the customer (the business that enquired the answers to the issue) • (???) Researchers and the research: • How will this researchers be motivated to do the research required to solve the issue/problem?
• Will anyone be able to attempt the research? • Will anyone govern the process, would someone verify the research? (CLX) Staff o Who are they? • All of the Staff that work within the company (CEO, CFO, etc. (a very few number of workers)) • All the people that work with the (CLX) from other businesses • All the people that work with the (CLX) from their partners • Research Hub workers Founders & Partners: o Australian Government o Government of South Australian o TAFE SA o Flinders University o Charles Darwin University o Australian Landscape trust o Rural city of Murray Bridge o Trade Schools for Future o Renmark Paringa Council o Trolleyes Nurseries o Department for Education and Child Development o Reginal Development Australia Murrayland & Riverland Structure Guideline 1. Introduction ( The purpose ) 2. CLX’s organisation Chart (drawn) 3. Who? 3.2 Current 3.2 Ideal • CLX’s Employees Frontage Backstage • SME’s people • Researchers/ Contact people in research institutes • Contact people in Partners organisations 4. The service talent cycle 5. Ideal 6. Action plan