Do not provide a summary or synopsis of the movie. I’ve seen it, too, and know what it’s about. Answer 36 of the following questions. Do you notice anything particular about the movie’s presentation of cinematic space? What do you see on the screen? Lots of landscapes or closeups? Moving or static camera? What specific effects does this create in the movie? Does the director manipulate viewers’ experience of time? Is this condensing, slowing, speeding, repeating, or reordering of time simply practical (as in removing insignificant events) or is it expressive? If it is expressive, just what does it express? What genre does this movie fall under? Is there more than one? Which genre(s) and why? What type of narration is used in this movie? Restricted? Omniscient? First? Explain. What are the character types in this movie? Who is round and who is flat? Why? What is the movie’s screen duration? What is the story duration? How do you know? Are the plot events presented in chronological order? What is the significance of the order of plot events in the movie?