This task requires you to watch or read about the movie “Last Cab to Darwin”.
After you have watched the movie you must write 3 seperate journal entries based on significant events that happened in the movie in first person.
You will be writing as if you were the character “Rex”.
Context of the task sheet:
This unit explore representations of Australian identity, places, events and concepts across a variety of contemporary popular culture texts such as films.
Create a series of journal. Entries through the perspective of a main character from an Australian text studied. Your response will explore the characters attitudes, intentions, underlying values and beliefs about events and/or other characters from the film and may logically extend the representation of the character.
Three entries you will write about are listed below.
1- Polly gets angry at Rex because he is worries about how people will judge their relationship.
2- Rex finds out that his cancer is terminal and hears about euthanasia.
3- Rex pulls the drip with the medicine from his arm.