you will choose a language/dialect and research the attitudes that exist about that language/dialect. In your essay make sure to answer the following questions:
1. Provide background information about this language. For example, how many first language speakers of the language are there? What parts of the world is it spoken in? Who speaks it? Is it commonly spoken as a second language/dialect? Where and who speaks it as a second language/dialect?
2. What attitudes exist about this language/dialect? What are some things different people might say about it? Give some examples.
3. Is this language/dialect perceived in different ways in different areas or contexts? What are the differences and why do you think this is?
4. What social factors do you think contribute to attitudes that people have towards this language/dialect? Racial? Socioeconomic class? Cultural? Education? Ethnic? Sexual or gender identity association? Physical/mental impairment? Anything else? Explain why any of these might contribute to people’s attitudes towards the language/dialect.