Internet of Things || Data Breach
May be turned in early. After due date, Blackboard will be closed and the assignment will be a zero. Objective: Students may choose one of following two topics:
1. Find an Internet of Things “connected device” that you consider dumb and pointless. a. Write one paragraph describing the product, the company that makes it, and the market
that product is supposed to appeal to. Please include where you found this product (e.g., Amazon, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, et cetera).
b. Write another paragraph describing why this product is stupid, and what potential security risks it poses (i.e., data exposure, presenting a platform for attacks, dangerous if made to malfunction, et cetera).
c. The product chosen must be appropriate for class.
2. Find a security case study regarding a hack or data breach that shouldn’t have happened. a. Write one paragraph discussing the circumstances of the data breach: who was
targeted, who did the targeting, what data was exposed, how the company reacted, et cetera.
b. Write another paragraph describing what mistakes the company / individual / organization made that made their system less secure.