Based upon existing easement, license agreement and survey, narrative of Lawyer re need for Darcy Parcel easement as well as illustration of proposed easement across Darcy Parcel, you will: (1) evaluate existing easement across Darcy Parcel to determine availability for proposed retail shopping center uses, and (2) evaluate existing telecom lease to confirm potential impairment on development plans. Review the Week 3 illustrations that set you up for your next task as a development associate. (Attached). After reviewing the illustrations for Week 3 illustrations, you return to your office and notice that you have received another email from Lyla Gage. (Attached)Complete the assigned tasks as identified in Lyla’s email. Also posted here Wrapping this up, please run down the following issues: (1) Review the 765 Access Easement located in the Project Documents folder and let me know whether you think we can rely on it in order to support vehicular traffic (both customers and suppliers) relating to a sizable commercial retail shopping center. If we need to improve our position under the easement, what changes do you recommend? In addition, we received an initial title commitment for the Calvert Crossings project from the title insurance company – a copy of which can be found in the Project Documents folder. While I anticipate conducting a detailed legal analysis of the title commitment, please review the following items from a business standpoint and let me know your thoughts. As always, my legal analysis is better served when I have clear direction from a business perspective. (2) What type of estate are we buying? (3) Who is the current owner? (4) What are the state and county transfer taxes and how are they calculated? (5) Are the taxes current?