I want to write about Valencia Community College.
Choose a specific type of institution to research. (You may not select the same institution or type of institution for multiple assignments/discussions.) This could be an institution in the state where you currently reside or a state you are interested in moving to, or a type of institution that you have always wondered about. If choosing a land grant institution, you cannot choose Purdue University or any of its affiliated campuses, including Purdue Global, for this assignment.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper tracing the history of that specific institution from inception to present day.
Include the following information:
Provide the name, location, and background of the college you choose (when was it founded, why was it founded, enrollment, etc.).
Include 1–2 paragraphs discussing the type of institution chosen (land grant, women’s, military, technical, community college, tribal, HBCU, etc.).
Trace the history of the institution from creation to present day. Within that history, describe:
A major historical event or government policy that influenced changes at that institution through the years. If there was no major event that influenced changes at the chosen institution, how did the institution avoid major changes?
What student life was like when the institution started versus what it is like today.
How the role of this type of institution evolved over time.
How this institution influenced higher education.
What challenges this type of institution faces in the 21st century.
Include an introduction and conclusion.
Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.