– an introductory paragraph introducing the issue and explaining why it is important. It should
address the impact, severity, and scope (who is affected) of the issue.
– paragraphs describing biological background: Explain the biological concepts and facts
needed to understand the issue. Use information from reliable sources, and cite them in your
text. These paragraphs do not include opinions, and they do not include arguments about
social or economic aspects of the issue.
– paragraphs describing the pros and cons: Present and describe the opposing viewpoints for this
issue. Include opinions or arguments about the biological, political, social, ethical, and/or
economic aspects of the issue. Again, cite the sources for the information you use in the text.
– a concluding paragraph: In this paragraph you should present your personal opinion on the
issue. Cite evidence that supports your view. Discuss why you think your view is the best
approach to the issue.