Your book review of the Text, Gang Leader For A Day, should be sociological in nature. Do not just tell me what the book is about as I already know what the book is about. My intention is to see how well you can think sociologically about the author’s case study. The book is based on Sudhir’s Ethnographic study of an inner city gang. You are to follow 1) How did Sudhir get involved with the gang? Why did he choose this poor community to be studied? 2) How did his relationship with gang leader J.T. begin and under what circumstances? 3) How did the relationship evolve over the time of the study? What were the many pitfalls and mistakes made by Sudhir over the course of the study? 4) What were some of the conflicts that Sudhir experienced with other gang members? What were Sudhir’s experiences and relationship with Ms. Bailey? 5) How did Sudhir deal with being the gang leader for a day? What were his conclusions about the actual experience of being a gang leader? 6) What insights did you gain from the deviant subculture of selling drugs? 7) What were Sudhir’s major conclusions and findings about gang life in the urban environment? Finally, what did you learn about street gangs? Are they more complicated than you first thought? Any other insights you gained from the study. The paper will be 5 pages, double spaced. When quoting from the book just place the page number at the end of the sentence. Place the name of the study in bold and centered at the top. Place the author’s name below the title of the book. Place your name on the left margin and the class you are in. Think of yourself as a sociologist reviewing the book! I will be the one person that knows none to little about the book. So by following my questions you will inform me as to why I should read the study.