Guidelines for Assessment Two – 9661 Leadership and Management PG You cannot step into the same river twice. Not only is the context constantly changing, you also continually transform as you act and learn. Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher With this quotation in mind, this integrated assessment piece is a way of focusing on your key learning from this Unit, in addition to projecting into your future leadership and management practice. Framework for leadership and management in practice – personal narrative informed by literature, this assignment is an integration of three (3) parts. Due Date: Week 13 (01 November 2017) Weighting percentage: 60% This assessment item is a scholarly piece that integrates; 1. 1000 word personal narrative, reflecting a framework for leadership and management practice. 2. 1000 word literature review 3. 500 word discussion board interaction and peer feedforward, comprising two (2) posts to the Moodle discussion forum Part One Narrative Essay (1000 words) The first part of this assignment is a narrative essay (1000 words). A narrative essay includes characters, incidents and dialogues. This type of essay describes people, presents their conversations and narrates experiences as a way of discovering and learning about yourself and the world. You need to write about leadership and management practice from a firstperson perspective. • Week 10 and 11 on Moodle – There will be two key frameworks for leadership and management outlined. o Identity o Change • The essay is presented in traditional form with an introduction, body and conclusion. The narrative essay is reflective. There are many different reflective models available. Stanley (2017) (the text prescribed for the Unit), discusses models for reflection in Chapter 15 ‘Reflection and Emotional Intelligence’, pages 267-274. • You will need to reference any theoretical positions you draw in to your personal narrative to support your ideas. • There are no rules for how many references you need to use. Ethically, and consistent with high levels of scholarship, ideas are that are not your original work should be referenced. Generally, when you are presenting a compelling position or argument to the marker, a strong contextualised citation adds strength to your work. Part Two Discussion Board Interaction (approximately 500 words total in two (2) discussion forum posts) The second part of the assignment uses your personal leadership and management narrative to reflect on tame, wicked and critical problems that you encounter in your leadership and management practice. The premise of this piece of the assessment is that interaction and relationship is instructional in our understanding of leadership. Drawing from the theory and the reading you have done this semester; o What are the practical steps you can take to create a future for yourself, your profession and/ or your organisation? o What do you need to do to get there? o What is the support you will need? o How will you access this support? • You will need to make two (up to 200 words each) posts on the 9661 Moodle site discussion board to share your reflections (related to the points above) with the rest of the student group. o How do you contribute to leadership practice in your workplace? o How might other leadership models support finding solutions to problems in your contexts? o How will you personally manage resistance to your own leadership practice • You will also need to make one (100 word) reply/feedforward to one of your fellow student’s reflections demonstrating a person-centred leadership approach. o How can you offer constructively support? o How can you affirm your colleagues with high support and also provide high challenge for growth? • Your contribution to the discussion board needs to be complete before the end of Semester 2 2017 (we are in Week 10 and term ends in Week 13). The marks allocated for this section are for the postings in contrast to the content of the postings. Part Three Literature Review and Action Plan (1000 words) The third part of the assignment is a literature review (1000 words). You will also need to develop a leadership and management practice action plan based on the theoretical framework you have established in your literature review. • You may want to write this piece first to shape your own narrative, or, it might work the other way around. As long as you have all of the components in your final piece, your approach is whatever will support your thinking and writing most effectively. • There are many resources online for writing a literature review. Some will be text based and other may be more visual tutorials on You Tube. Fid something that will work for you. • Consider the questions posed in Part Two to frame your action plan. • You can structure your action plan as a table and include as a labelled appendix to your literature review. • That means that you might write a paragraph or two about the focus of your action plan in the body of this piece and refer to the Appendix in your discussion.