data can be taken from newzealand stock exchange website as well.
Please follow the instruction given here and in the word file as well and then only accept the bids. ad please make the assignment according to newzealand’s financial statement analysis.
The report must MUST BE MADE ON THE RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF kATHMANDU LIMITED NZ and will be made according to newzealand structure.
Aim of the assessment
This is a research based group project and requires critical thinking and application of the financial analysis techniques studied in this course.
Learning outcomes covered in this assignment
L/O 2 Critically analyse the business strategies adopted by different businesses to create value for their shareholders.
L/O 3 Critically examine the financial performance of firms using financial ratios and cash flow analysis.
L/O 4 Apply models for forecasting financial performance and financial position of firms.
L/O 5 Critically apply selected approaches to the valuation of firms.
The group should assume that it is a Business Analysis Team that has been assembled to conduct an analysis of a New Zealand listed company. Your team has been approached by a potential investor who is looking to invest in a New Zealand listed retail company. The investor’s request is to prepare a comprehensive business analysis report advising on which company he should invest in. Your analysis should be comprehensive covering all available financial and non-financial information in publicly available sources such as annual/ interim reports, financial commentaries, newspaper articles, websites, etc. (Please refer to the report structure for requirements for the business analysis report).