Choose a topic from the list below: ? issues in teaching specific groups (e.g. young learners, adult migrants, university students) ? issues in teaching ONE of the skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) ? issues in teaching grammar ? issues in teaching vocabulary ? the taskbased approach to teaching a second language ? the genrebased approach to teaching a second language ? the relationship between language and culture in teaching a second language ? teacherlearner interaction in the second language classroom ? assessment in second language learning ? technology and second language teaching and learning ? the role of output in second language learning ? course development for particular groups of students (e.g. primary students, adult migrants, young adults) Grading criteria: In your essay you should: ? introduce the topic you have chosen and explain why it is of interest ? define the specific issues to be addressed in the essay ? refer to a minimum of 10 readings in the field of second language acquisition, teaching and learning. These must include at least four from the set readings or the recommended readings and at least four from readings you source yourself. ? overview the key approaches/aspects/findings of the issue(s) that you have chosen to address ? critically analyse these key approaches/aspects/findings ? use APA reference style in both intext citations and reference list ? write clearly and accurately