Your final paper will be roughly 3 pages long (between 750 and 1000 words) and has two possible due dates. December 18th, by midnight, if you want comments; or December 19th, by midnight, and you’ll get only a grade. You should upload papers to Blackboard; if Blackboard doesn’t work, either email me the paper, or drop it off in my departmental mailbox. All papers will be your original work, with all outside material clearly cited: in quotation marks if the words are not your own, or through footnotes if the material is paraphrased. Papers that use outside materials and don’t cite it properly might receive zero credit. ^^ MUST FOLLOW RULES WRITE ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: 1. Using quotations from the plays to illustrate your decision, reimagine either Antigone, Trifles, or Medea as Samuel Beckett’s Quad. Explain your choices, and, in the course of your paper, discuss how this reimagining helps us better understand both Quad and the source text. 2. The German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel argued in his 1807 Phenomenology of Spirit that Antigone is a conflict between “what is truly universal, the community” and the family, which has a merely natural existence. In her 2000 Antigone’s Claim, the American philosopher Judith Butler argues, by contrast, that since there can be no kinship “without the support and mediation of the state,” Hegel’s opposition of community and family doesn’t work. Using quotations from Carson’s translation of Antigone, as well as any other materials that strike you as relevant, make an argument in favor of either Hegel or Butler’s interpretation of the play. 3. Using quotations from Countee Cullen’s translation of Medea, reimagine Beckett’s Play without Words as featuring Medea and Jason (in whatever order strikes you best). What props would Medea or Jason interact with? How might the Beckett play now end? Spend at least a page discussing your interpretative reasons for your proposed staging.