The theories and concepts taught in this course will only contribute to your professional success if you apply what you have learned in the classroom to your everyday experiences. The objective of the diagnosis paper, due week 5, is to give you some practice in looking at your life through an organizational behavior lens. For this assignment, you will reflect on an organizational problem that you experienced. I use the term “organizational” quite broadly; you can write about an experience at a summer job, on a sports team, a school work group, or any other situation in which you worked with other people for the purposes of completing a collective task. Once you have selected an organizational problem from your past, (1) you should describe and diagnose the problem using concepts from this unit, (2) outline and explain relevant underlying organizational behavior factors (e.g. social loafing, lack of group cohesion, lack of motivation, lack of engagement, problems about learning processes, difficulty to persuade others, crosscultural issues, individual differences, miscommunication, difficulty of decision making, not knowing the group norms and expectations, etc.) that contributed to the situation, and (3) discuss how the concepts (e.g. emotional intelligence, a particular leadership style, conflict management techniques, etc.) could have helped you and/or others deal with the situation more effectively. The paper should be between 4 and 7 pages, doublespaced in 12point Times New Roman font with 1” margins around. In addition to the instructions above, please make sure you read the file in which I have explained how this assignment will be marked. It is important to read this file to know about the evaluation criteria and expectations. Furthermore, please read the check list to know about the font size, referencing, etc