Developmental Variable
Includes purpose in introduction of patient. Indicates
educational level, family dynamics, physical
development of patient.
1. Uses relevant references.
2. Uses Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development
stage for the patient and discussed the importance
to nursing.
3. Discusses the importance of educational level,
family and career as it relates to nursing care.
4. Applies theories and concepts.
5. Uses logical reasoning and correct inductive or
deductive reasoning.
Sociocultural Variable
1. Includes cultural values practiced and the
importance to nursing care.
2. Discusses cultural beliefs and traditions passed on
through generations and the importance to nursing
3. Discusses socialization of the client and its
importance to nursing care.
4. Transitions occur between thoughts.
Spiritual Variable
1. Discusses spiritual and religious beliefs and its
importance to nursing care.
2. Discusses spiritual and religious practices and its
importance to nursing care.
3. Discusses barriers to nursing care related to
spiritual and/or religious beliefs
Psychological Variable
1. Discusses mental well-being and its importance
to nursing care.
2. Discusses family history of mental illness and its
for the patient and its importance to nursing
3. Discusses patient’s mental ability to participate
and make healthcare decisions regarding their health and its importance to nursing care.
APA, Grammar, Spelling
1. Title page is correct.
2. Page numbering is accurate.
3. Page header is appropriate.
4. Citation of references in text is correct.
Direct quotes
5. Reference list follows APA format.
Citations in text are included on
reference list
Reference list citations are included in
6. Uses professional vocabulary.
7. Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and
8. Maintains economy of expression.