Reflective Account OHS Level 5 Diploma Learner Name:
Unit 601: Develop and implement the health and safety policy
Reflective Account |
Assessment Criteria |
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria and list the number of the piece(s) of evidence supplied to demonstrate this. You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
For this unit please also supply a witness testimony to confirm your involvement in developing and implementing the health and safety policy. This can be used as part of your evidence to support the statements below. Please also provide sample signatures on the form provided in section 7 of the guidebook.
Learning Outcome 1 – Define the statutory and workplace health and safety requirements for the organisation. Structure could relate to responsibility and accountability, lines of reporting and specific tasks or duties relating to health and safety.
Stakeholders could include line mangers, senior management, health and safety specialists, safety committees, HR department, trade union representatives.
Policies and procedures could relate to tasks, operations, people, environment, plant, machinery and equipment, reporting procedures, implementation of health and safety, statutory and ethical duties and responsibilities. Evaluation may include level of conformity to HASAW Act, Management of Health and Safety Regulations, fire, noise and environmental legislation etc. as well as legislation specific to the organisation and moral and ethical responsibilities
Those external could include emergency services, general public contractors, visitors, trespassers, waste disposal, etc.
1.1 Analyse the structure of the organisation relative to health and Safety Explain how you analyse your organizational structure, to ensure each reporting line reflect the organization at the time.
1.2 cross referenced to 2.6
1.3 Assess the existing health and safety systems, policies and procedures in the organization Explain what methods you use when assessing your health and safety policy and the factors you consider when carrying out this task.
1.4 Evaluate the statutory and workplace health and safety requirements relating to:
To ensure you evaluate all the relevant statutory workplace requirements, explain the processes you go through. Consider what comes into the business in terms of business plans, work procedures and products, legislation ACOPS, industry best practice, labour and equipment etc. How do you turn that information into a workable Health and Safety Policy which reflects the business activities. Consider what you want to achieve as a result of the policy, ie reduction in accidents/incidents, safe materials exiting your organization and waste materials from your processes.
1.5 Identify those external to the organisation who may be affected by its activities. Explain who, outside your organization has communications of your health and safety policy or information from it. cConsider the impact on contractors, clients and visitors. Describe the information that is dispersed to people affected bby your organizations business activities and the methods used.
Learning Outcome 2 – Develop the Health and Safety Policy Deficiencies could relate to (for example) operations, emissions, waste disposal, training, risk assessment, responsibility and accountability, lines of reporting.
Resource constraints could include time, finance, facilities, manpower.
Opportunities could relate to meetings, memos, emails, consultation, and presentations.
Stakeholders could include managers, senior management, health and safety specialists, safety committees, HR department, trade union representatives, emergency services, regulatory authorities.
Strategy could involve meetings, consultation, publications, presentations, training, safety committees.
(2.1) Identify deficiencies in the current Health and Safety Policy When you’ve analyzed the health and safety policy what deficiencies did you find within it. Explain who else is involved in this process.
(2.2) Identify resource constraints that could affect proposals for change Explain how resources, such as time, finance, manpower, facilities, etc. could affect the possible recommendations after your review.
(2.3) Provide opportunities for key stakeholders to review the revised/new policy Explain how you consulted with the relevant people in your organisation to gain their feedback to any changes made in the newly launched health and safety policy? Describe the communications involved with directors and how the draft was reviewed.
(2.4) Revise the Health and Safety Policy to remedy deficiencies After assessing the resource implications, how did you revise the policy to remedy the deficiencies. Who else was involved when rewriting the new policy.
(2.5) Formulate the strategy for promoting commitment to the Health and Safety Policy by all those in the organization When planning the strategy of promoting the new health and safety policy, how did you gain the support of the different levels of the workforce and how did you gain commitment from the senior members of the organisation. Describe the techniques you use and the most effective communication channels.
(2.6 & 1.2) Advocate the adoption of the new/improved Health and Safety Policy to all key stakeholders in the organisation Describe how you promoted the new health and safety policy within your workplace. Explain the communication methods, whether were they written, verbal, electronic, group or one to one.
Learning Outcome 3 – Implement the Health and Safety Policy Strategy may have action plans, timetables, milestones, delegation of specific responsibilities, meetings and feedback sessions, monitoring of progress, reviews.
Documentation might include policies, procedures, safe systems of work, risk assessment, accident/incident reports, training records.
(3.1) Specify the strategy for implementation of the Health and Safety Policy, to include:
Explain your strategy when implementing your health and safety policy. Consider who may need support when explaining the new policy and who to discuss the possible problems with to ensure a smooth transition. Describe how you plan to make yourself available to carry out problem solving and gaining feedback on changes to the policy.
(3.2) Ensure quality management requirements are applied to all health and safety documentation What quality standards do you work to and how do you ensure that Health and Safety documentation is up to date, clearly referenced and that all personnel have access to the most up to date edition of the policy.
Learning Outcome 4 – Know the steps required to develop and implement the Health and Safety Policy Could involve communicating health and safety requirements, setting and monitoring standards for health and safety, safety awareness campaigns, awards and recognition, target setting, short and long term targets and objectives, applying industry best practice, meeting legislative requirements, effects and benefits of change, relationship between health and safety and production, cost versus benefit.
Methods of research could include observation of activities, reviews, meetings, analysis of data, comparisons to current legislation, comparisons to HSE guidance.
Motivation could include training, reward, recognition, involvement.
External factors could include UK and EU legislation, requirements/expectations of professional bodies, regulatory authorities, others who may be affected, materials used in production process, location, access to emergency services.
(4.1) Explain the nature and role of the Health and Safety Policy within the organization Consider monitoring and setting standards for health and safety.
(4.2) Explain the input – conversion – output model of organizational Systems Explain the input – conversion – output model of organizational Systems. Input may include training, manpower, legislation (ACOPs, best practice), materials and equipment entering the organization Conversion is the process of policies/practices, and procedures eg risk assessments. Outputs may include a safe workforce, reduction in accidents/incidents, products and waste leaving the organization.
(4.3) Describe how you research the organisation’s current Health and Safety procedures What would you use to research the policies and procedures which are in place to ensure they are current and working as intended?
(4.4) Explain how individual and group motivation will be achieved Consider the groups within the organization and their differing needs and the best methods of communication and re-enforcement of the revised policy.
(4.5) Explain external factors influencing health and safety eg statutory health and safety requirements and industry best practice Consider regulatory authorities, legislation, professional bodies, industry best practice.
Referenced Evidence used in this Unit (List below)
I confirm that the evidence produced is as a result of my own work.
Learner Signature: ………………………………………… Date: ……………………….
The information within this Reflective Account is a true reflection of the Learner’s role, responsibilities competence and knowledge.
Line Manager/Competent Person Signature: ……………………………………. Date: …………………………
(Ensure Witness List is completed to reflect this for authentication purposes)
I confirm that the Learner has demonstrated competence by satisfying all of the criteria for this unit.
NVQ Assessor Signature: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………….
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