This research focuses mainly on the growing numbers of joint ventures, particularly between Chinese and non-Chinese companies. Following the emergence of China in recent years as a critical economic powerhouse globally, many western-world corporate brands have been seeking to exploit the Chinese market for their economic good. The western-world companies have been forming joint ventures with local Chinese firms in a bid to effectively integrate into the market and actualize their dreams. The western-world companies have been sending expatriates to China to oversee their joint venture operations in line with their objectives. However, the expatriate managers have been facing numerous challenges that have been limiting their objectives of steering the joint ventures into success. The aim of this research, thus, is to determine the challenges that have been hindering the overall productivity of the expatriate managers. Through the discoveries made by this research, the joint venture firms will be able to revisit their performances and make appropriate ammendents towards the fulfillment of their goals. Moreover, the findings of this research will inform the management of other western firms seeking to venture into China on how to go about it once they are ready to establish operations there. The knowledge achieved by this research will also be critical in the management realm in general because it ill be used in future towards making expatriate management more effective.