1. Application of solar cell (200 words) 2. Difference between mono and multi in general (500 words) Make sure you state the difference such as the advantages and disadvantages of both PV cells including the effeciency and the amount of energy generated. 3. Difference between mono and multi in manufacturing: For example, how does they differ is it in the thickness of wafer or is there materials or parts that exist in mono but not multi pv cell?? (500 words) 4. GHG emissions from PV cell manufacturing from LCA prospective for both multi and mono: (1300 words) First you need to cover what are the previous studies done in this field (LCA of mono and multi pv cell manufacturing) by using literature review matrix in which you need to arrange them in a table using the name of auther, year, place of publication and main ideas. Then do a graph or table on the summary on the amount GHG emissions published on those articles. At the end of this section provide a discussion and conclusion mentioning the gaps and suggestions of what might the future stidies cover in the subject matter. Important note: a. Make sure to site every source you used and do intext citation b. All information should have reference b. Arrange the references in alphabetic order and refer to them in the test C. make sure you reference each information you used in the text